The PurseForum Revamped. An Introduction.


Mar 16, 1980
First off, thank you for your patience as we’ve worked on this major transition. While it took longer than anticipated, we know you will be so happy with the new PurseForum!

This is the first major overhaul of the PurseForum since its inception in 2005. I know many of you experienced a lot of issues that made the old forum frustrating, so this new version not only features a new look, but is built on a very stable, competent, and modern platform.

With this new version we worked really hard to make the experience be user friendly and make the forum easy to navigate. Some of the great new features allow you to customize your homepage to follow the forums you use most, tag friends, like posts, easily share photos and much more!

Megs and I will post a video to showcase some of the new features in the next few days, but in the meantime, here are some highlights to look forward to:

Customize Your Homepage

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The PurseForum Home allows you to customize your homepage with forums that you visit most frequently. Many of the forums carry their own custom hero image that adds personality to the sub-forum. To keep things fresh, we'll be regularly switching out the images seasonally.

If you don't fancy this view, you can of course still visit the familiar Forum Listing view or even set it as the default homepage in your account preferences (under Default Index Page).

Full Tablet and Mobile Support

Finally, tPF goes properly mobile! Our new theme was built from the ground up to support mobile in the best way possible and make your experience from large desktop screens to tablets to phones as seamless as possible. This includes full support for mobile image attachments and no more pesky upload failure notices. All major Internet browsers are supported fully, like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and many more.


Formerly known as Private Messages ('PMs'), conversations have taken their place. Invite friends to ongoing chats, share images in the conversation flow like you would in a chat room. Don't worry about running out of storage, you have unlimited space for conversations for your account.

Much Improved Post Editor

Your forum posts are now being automatically saved as drafts, so you will never lose a post again. You can also drag & drop images from your desktop straight into the editor, it will automatically upload up to 10 images per post. Did I mention you can now directly '@' your friends in posts and they'll be alerted to your mention?


The built-in alert system will reliably notify you of new discussions and/or posts in your watched forums, tell you when other members liked your contributions, when you've been quoted or mentioned. The level of alert frequency can be easily set in your account settings.

Secure Your Account

We now offer 2 Step Verification to fortify your account and protect it against potential abuse.


Our developers worked with us on this new forum for over a year and will also be checking this thread for any issues you may run into or features you’d like to see. Megs and I are so thankful for all of your support over the years!

Cheers to the new tPF! :biggrin:

Known issues & upcoming improvements

  • We will be extending the smilie set with more smilies soon
  • Images from the previous forum are still being processed to properly display as thumbnails
  • We're working on showing images inline with posts again
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Is there a way to see the picture on the posts without having to click on the image link? The images posted do not appear in my browser, I always have to click on the small thumbnail to view the pictures.
I just put photo's in a post and you have to insert them as a full image I think - you get the choice to do it that way or add them as a thumbnail.
Is there a way to see the picture on the posts without having to click on the image link? The images posted do not appear in my browser, I always have to click on the small thumbnail to view the pictures.
I just read the intro page for the third time and saw the images are still being processed and should be avail as they were before, within a few days:smile:. I think we are all a bit lost!
I know I will get used to this change and love it soon, but like every other major update I am slightly huffy and disoriented, longing for the safety of the familiar. This old dog finds it hard learn new tricks quickly. lol

Thank you Vlad & Megs for keeping up with the times and dragging this reluctant old biddy forward, too.
Love the revamp!!! Fabulous job!! Quick question! How can I get the photos to appear without having to click on each individual photo attachment, closing that image out, and then clicking on the next JPEG or whatever again. Under "Chanel Boutique Finds", I have to click on every single .jpg pic loaded, when before they would just appear in the thread. I stopped looking, because it was becoming kind of time consuming. Would appreciate any help on this matter. Not sure if it's my settings or a bug? XX