The Atlantic: Fashion’s Racism and Classism Are Finally Out of Style

I totally agree, it's whatever's the trend - for the moment.

It gets complicated though. This can also be seen as a Western (particularly US) response to a question of racism. Not every country's minorities look the same across the globe, and sometimes the most marginalised clan/race/group in society may look the same/similar as the predominant majority to outsiders but 'at home' they are treated as second-class citizens. Fixing racism is not as simple as representation like an old Benetton ad. You cannot presume diversity/inclusiveness from a photo.

I will continue to base my purchasing decisions on great products, good customer services and a sustainable business model (including verifiable work practices and sources). For example, last month that was a Pat McGrath eyeshadow palette (made in Italy, US resisted company) or Wayne Goss makeup brushes (handmade in Japan, US distributor). I will never choose to buy anything based solely on the colour of the owner of a company's skin, the country they come from, their religion or their family name. I will always hire the best person for the job and not because I need someone that looks good for a photo (currently that means a young Black African woman and older Asian Chinese man and (young at heart) woman but I shouldn't have to say, justify it or line up for a medal).

My husband convinced me that White (which I am not, nor am I Black, I am an ethnic minority but shouldn't have to say) privilege stays privilege when people go around thinking they are doing anyone a favour by oh so 'graciously' deigning to use their their favour. I can't think of anything more patronising. Dividing people into black/white is a legacy of Segregation and something I will not take part in. I don't care how fashionable it becomes.

I also hate the term 'Karen'. Until a male counterpart goes the rounds I think people should realise what they are doing by using it. Demonising female racists (however stupid they are) by demonising/dismissing them as a 'type' is a very dangerous thing to do.
There are names for the “Karen” counterparts.
I heard a term while listening to the radio in my car yesterday, “performance activism” also known as “slacktavism”. Many people know what they think are the right things to say or post on social media and elsewhere without really thinking about or committing to what they can do to really cause change or make a difference.

Fixing racism is not as simple as representation like an old Benetton ad.

I totally agree and I have been thinking a lot about the difference between being non racist and anti racist.

It's pretty easy to be (or convince yourself you are being) non racist.

Anti racist is more challenging. It may mean being uncomfortable, confrontational or willing losing something ($, a relationship, etc).

I'm clear that as white person it is my responsibility to do the hard work. It's actually the least I can do.

I thought this article about ending racism in the fashion industry was interesting, especially this quote from Tracy Reese...

“This is a white industry, and unless you are black within it, you can’t begin to understand what that is like. If we are going to make meaningful progress, there has to be a joint effort, not a factional effort — or 20 different efforts. The people forming these factions know what they want to say — they are brave. They are stepping up, and that’s important to do. But it will go further if we are all working toward a common goal: equity, equality, anti-racism."
It's really sad that the forum isn't taking this stuff seriously. Who cares if it's not explicitly against the rules? The mods issue infractions for things that aren't against the rules ALL THE TIME. This is exactly why my inbox is full of people of color saying they don't want to use the site anymore, @Megs.

In the past weeks you've repeatedly stated that your inbox was filled with people fed up with how racist this forum is and reaching out to you. As someone who scans forum-wide reports every day, I can recall a handful instances of blatant racist remarks being posted in the public forum over the last few years, which have been addressed. Was it resolved perfectly to everyone's satisfaction? Likely not, but I don't claim to be infallible.

I've also made it clear for years that people can message me or Megs directly if they want to have their case heard with regards to forum direction, moderation or anything else.

So I ask you again to please forward the DMs you've been receiving, so I can look into the instances that left people with a feeling that TPF is ripe with racism.
So I ask you again to please forward the DMs you've been receiving, so I can look into the instances that left people with a feeling that TPF is ripe with racism.

Respectfully, I'm not comfortable forwarding you conversations about an extremely sensitive topic that posters have had with me privately, and I'm surprised you'd even ask me to do so. Many of them are posting in this thread, so I'm sure they will contact you if they're comfortable doing so.
I personally don’t like using the names Karen or Chad for them and it’s not because I feel it’s wrong. I don’t like it because to me it downplays the evil intent behind what they are doing. I find the word too cutesy and is definitely not the word I would use to describe their vileness and exactly what they are.

Then we're agreeing