the Angelina Jolie thread

I know what you are saying, but imo she should have kept it quiet..any public statement blaming their father is just wrong..regardless of the truth..whatever that may be..

I mean there were photos of both of them hugging very recently! confusing must that be for these kids?..sorry, for all the class that she has been trying to portray, this just doesn't show it...imo..

I get that, I was just questioning the use of "throw under the bus".
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It depends on IF it is true or not, and what there is to the story (or stories). And that is not the same as throwing them under the bus. That's what I'm debating. People are just assuming Brad is totally innocent and all facts are not yet out. And may never be.
You don't think this divorce fought in the public eyes of the world and people questioning if your dad is an abuser will hurt those kids???!!!! Come on....what planet are you from??!!!
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I know what you are saying, but imo she should have kept it quiet..any public statement blaming their father is just wrong..regardless of the truth..whatever that may be..

I mean there were photos of both of them hugging very recently! confusing must that be for these kids?..sorry, for all the class that she has been trying to portray, this just doesn't show it...imo..
You nailed her meticulously crafted image on the head. Not that I object anyone trying to act classy, even try hard classy!
This is your chance
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