Tara Reid looking very thin

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Ewww, she is so skinny, her skin has no where to go, it is baggy above her knees just hanging onto her bones. Bets on when she becomes hospitalized for "exhaustion"???
Oh my God - I looked at the pictures and the belt that she was wearing around her midriff - I thought it was some Frankenstein nodules or some really horrible piercing. :throwup:

She's definitely gone Nicole. That's too bad. I mean, what are they thinking, right? How can you think that you look good like that? And what's that they're doing on the poolside table? Coke lines? :s
I never understood why girls want to be so extremely thin and then have these huge plastic breasts?! It looks so ridiculous and unhuman :confused1:
If she had a 'normal' chest, I'm sure she wouldn't look so freaky at all!
There's an article on her dating Aussie musician Jay Lyon (who??!) on the Daily Mail website.. you can see in the pictures she has something like bolts in her stomach and back. I thought it was a fine chain belt jewellery thing, but it's not, it's something reconstructive for her buggered up stomach lipsuction. :yucky:


LMAO!:roflmfao: Those are beads she strung on a chain or fish line for belly jewelry. On the table she has many beads and she's making jewelry. There are other pictures of her from that same afternoon where she's giving her male friend bracelets with the same beads.

I hate to say this because I know how severe eating disorders really are... but it would not surprise me for someone like Tara Reid (whose career is in desperate need of a revival) to "disorder" herself as a publicity stunt, hoping it will propel her into the spotlight the way it did for Nicole Richie. I just find her stupid enough to do such a thing.
Who in their right mind would strive to starve themselves in hopes of looking like a SKELETON? That is FAR, FAR from attractive and anyone who think's otherwise [apparently, Tara] possesses a VERY VERY derranged mind.

She also looks like a roast turkey that's been cooked too long in the oven... wayy overprocessed. The bleachy hair, unnaturally tan skin, saggy tummy, she looks MISERABLE.
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