Steve's Shameless Knockoff


Lover of moto jackets, vintage, and cats
Sep 26, 2007



Woah. Déjà vu!
OMG, No kidding. I know SM does a lot of look-a-likes but no doubt where that pattern scheme came from. Don't get me wrong, I do have some Madden shoes 'cause they fit my foot without an arch insert, which is rare for me. I also live in a bodaciously small town that wouldn't see a designer style if it weren't for Cable, internet & Vogue magazine. I also have a wide variety of other brands of shoes that I like for fit & style. I do try to stay away from hardcore knockoffs if I know the styles that season, but I am also not ashamed to let someone know the maker of the shoes I am wearing whether it is designer or Payless BOGO special.

As to a knock off of the Balenciaga bootie, I'm not sure that making it more affordable really makes it more wearable.
The inspiration for the shoe is quite clear, but it is by no means identical. I've seen SM do EXACT knock-offs, so this is really just inspired by their standards!
that's kind of what I was thinking. No offense to anyone who likes them. They just make me think Alien v. Predator plays football or something.

And crashes into their little brother's legos. I sort of like the Balenciaga ones, but I can't see myself finding a practical use for them - let alone buying them!
I know you ladies don't agree, but... I so L:heart:VE the Balenciaga Lego shoe.

They are sooo freaking perfect. I had them in my hand, but unfortunately I didn't have $3000 in the other. So no Balenciagas for me....

Those Steve Maddens are inexcusable. They are a hideous attempt at knocking off real art.