Should I be bitter?

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Maybe because this is your first LV bag, OP. It's understandable. Maybe after a few bags you won't even bother if anyone else gets the same bag or when.
OP sounds like your typical saver. Always putting extra money away, saving for retirement, saving for a rainy day, saving saving saving. My parents are this way, constantly complaining how poor they are when they have investments all over the place.

You sound like you need to treat yourself more. Your sisters lifestyle is making you jealous because you have let financial responsibility get in the way of having any fun.
My husband bought me a new LV bag for our anniversary a few weeks ago. We can definitely afford it, but it's still hard for me to accept dropping $800 for a handbag, even though I've wanted one forever. Anyway, long story short, my husband's brother's girlfriend saw it one night when they were over and seemed to like it.

Fast forward 2 weeks, and she now has a brand new LV bag for her birthday. I feel like she's copying me. Everyone on my husband's side are huge Coach fans and that's all they buy. I am a Coach fan too, which is why the LV purchase was a big deal for me. Not to sound like a stuck up snob, but we make good money, and can definitely afford the extra things we want. My BIL and his girlfriend don't really fit the LV lifestyle...I won't go into too many details...but I feel like she is trying to copy me. Should I be bitter that they went out and bought her the same brand of bag that I got (There has been no mention of LV from them ever before...heck, when she text me a pic of her new bag, she spelled Vuitton wrong). I feel horrible for feeling this way, but it still bothers me!!!

It only shows your taste appeals to her and she is somewhat inspired. If it is really bothering you sell your bag and get a new one.
OP sounds a bit like my MIL. When she got her first LV bag she wore it all the time. She expected people to treat her like she was special. She actually said that people in LA knows about LV and treated her nice. When she went home to NC, people there doesn't know what an LV looks like so they are not as nice to her. OP must feel the same way when stating that her BIL's GF is stealing her thunder. A purse is just a purse, no matter the price tag. If other people's happiness makes you bitter, then you still have a lot of growing up to do.
the answer is nope :smile:

It has been 4 years since I tried to make my family members and friends to buy LV so that I can have someone to talk about LV. So far unsuccessful, I even bribed my sisters to fly here so that I can buy their first LV- nope, still doesn't work.

Be happy, be mature and now you know you have someone in the family to talk about LV.
There are millions of people with the same bag as you and to get upset about it is a little ridiculous I mean LV is as common now a days as coach. OMI it is sounding like you are more concerned that you now have to share the spotlight instead of being the only one with LV in your family. I think she saw your bag and liked it so she wanted to get one. Take it as a compliment. I have bought bags and had friends go and get the same one because they really liked mine and may have otherwise never looked at an LV I think its exciting to share the same love. Enjoy your bag, its just a purse and is not worth getting all upset over we are adults so there is no "thats mine" or "I had it first".
Oh man I can't even imagine that!!!! A wedding dress?! Ahh... I would have been pissed!!!
I just pleased I found out before I went to her wedding as I wanted my dressto be a surprise for my husband and felt if he saw my friend in it all day it would sort of take it away thank goodness I got married on a cruise ship so we didn't have the same guests The best of it was,'she told me not to collect my dress and buy hers of her half price she could see no wrong. Unfortunatley these people. Won't change and we parted as friends. I had a lovely wedding and in a nasty but true way I looked better as I have no bust and this dress ( Benjamin Roberts 740) was perfect for that, she had a large bust xxx
I actually bought a cherry blossom pochette many years ago when they first came out. I've always loved designer bags, but never spent more than $300-$400 at a time on them. I am NOT a stuck up just would have been nice if she had waited a little bit before getting her own.

You said that it was bought as a gift for her, for her birthday. So I am guessing that her birthday is around the time of your Anniversary gift. There really isn't any need for her to "wait a little bit" for her birthday present.

It may not have been an issue of copying, maliciously. I go to parties or see friends I have not been around in a while, and when I see something that they wear or have and I like it, I start thinking about getting one. And I would never feel uncomfortable wearing it around them, or think I had done something rude.

If this is a "all in the family" sort of story, maybe she wanted a birthday gift that was equal in cost to what your husband spent on your bag. And, her partner obliged. Good for him!! For myself, when I see someone close to me give their wife or girlfriend a significant gift, I always want my SO to give a similar gift. This is sometimes how we validate ourselves, and our relationships - by how much they are willing to spend on us, whether they can afford it or not.

I wouldn't hold it against her. We are all like this from time to time. From being on the bitter end, to being on the green-eyed envious end. Take it as flattery or coincidence. How much can she really harm you by having a similar bag style to yours, anyway? None!
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