Scarlet got her boobs squeezed

Scarlet is my kinda Sag girl! She is beautiful, quirky and stylish...I have gay guy friends and they are all very curious, especially in getting a reaction...I have seen girls grabbing each other's chests in public so a gay guy doing it would be the equivalent...however, if some random stranger grabbed my tit out of nowhere, girl, guy, gay guy...someone may get smacked! :P
JenJen said:
Scarlet is my kinda Sag girl! She is beautiful, quirky and stylish...I have gay guy friends and they are all very curious, especially in getting a reaction...I have seen girls grabbing each other's chests in public so a gay guy doing it would be the equivalent...however, if some random stranger grabbed my tit out of nowhere, girl, guy, gay guy...someone may get smacked! :P
Co-sign! I dont care who u r or your sexual preference HANDS OFF of the boobs! She's a good sport. I dont think I couldve handled that in such a smooth manner.
I work with an agency full of wonderful gay men as well as male to female trangender girls. I get my boobs squeezed at least once per week! They think "the girls" are holding up pretty good for someone over 40, so they're always trying to show mine off!
Cristina said:
She's always got her boobs pushed up to her chin. She's very attractive, and she looked gorgeous last night, but sometimes it's overkill! But maybe I'm jealous because I don't have cleavage :P

Yeah, well ... when she's older and they're sagging down to her waist, you'll be happy with what you got!!!!

No seriously, it's not all it's cracked up to be. All my friends were always jealous, but -
  • Running/jogging is a real pain (and I mean physical pain)
  • I always have to buy tops (Jackets/Blazers/Sweaters, etc.) in a larger size just to fit my boobs
  • Some people (won't mention the gender) will not look you in the 'eye' (if you know what I mean); these same folk don't take you seriously (nor do they think you have a brain - especially if you also happen to be blonde - which I am)
  • Guys would ask you out for ONE thing only (I actually had one tell me about 1/2-way through the date "wow ... you're pretty smart " ... to which I ended up 'going to the ladies room' [not really ... that was my exit ... I called a cab and went home ... the dolt called me 1 hour later asking me where I was - DUH?!?!:wacko: ]
Get the picture?
mskayty said:
I work with an agency full of wonderful gay men as well as male to female trangender girls. I get my boobs squeezed at least once per week! They think "the girls" are holding up pretty good for someone over 40, so they're always trying to show mine off!
Well good for you. LOL! Sounds like u dont mind the attention either;) , but the ONLY man that better be touching my boobs is my husband/man- and he better NOT be gay.:biggrin:
That was pathetic...He was so low class...I wish she would have slapped him for that...that would have been good news and he deserved it! He actually didn't think he did anything wrong. Did you hear him talking about all the questionable things he didsaid to the stars?