Rosie O'Donnell

I thought it was very strange that she had 3 kids with her first wife, two adopted, but when the wife left she only took her biological child.

Maybe the other two kids' adoption wasn't the ex-wife's idea and they were in Rosie's name only. I think the ex-wife wanted to have her own biological child which is why they went the invitro fertilization route.
Rosie O'Donnell is now tweeting about Steven Sheerer, a man from Barnegat, New Jersey, who ET can confirm is the man her previously missing 17-year-old daughter Chelsea O'Donnell was found with on Tuesday evening.
Rosie linked to a 2012 article about Sheerer getting charged with third-degree possession of heroin with the intent to distribute, third-degree possession of heroin, third-degree endangering the welfare of a child, and possession of drug paraphernalia.
She needs to STFU about her DD now, give her some privacy :sad:

Rosie O'Donnell Daughter Found Hanging With Heroin Convict

8/19/2015 3:05 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

Exclusive Details

Rosie O'Donnell wants everyone to know that the 25-year-old man who was with her runaway 17-year-old daughter Chelsea when cops found her has a serious criminal record.
O'Donnell set off a firestorm by pointing the finger at Steve Sheerer, who she alleges has done this type of thing before.
Fact is ... Sheerer does indeed have a criminal record. He was arrested in 2012 for heroin possession, heroin possession with the intent to distribute, and endangering the welfare of a child. He pled guilty to one heroin charge and the other 2 were dismissed. He was sentenced to 53 days in jail.
And just before his sentencing, Sheerer was arrested again for possession of Suboxone -- a drug to treat opiate addiction.
Police were able to find Chelsea by pinging her cell phone, and they discovered her with Sheerer at a house where he was staying.
The good news ... cops didn't find drugs when they picked her up, and she was lucid.

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Why do people dislike her? I haven't really paid much attention to her before...

My friend worked for her years ago on her talk show. She said she was horrible. She ended up screwing the staff at the end. It was so long ago I cannot remember.

I never understood why Oprah turned her show over to her. This woman gets one opportunity after another.
Does anyone remember when she claimed she had a heart attack awhile back? Did she really?
I think she really did - which is why she got the lap band surgery… so she wouldn't be as susceptible to having a reoccurring heart attack.

I thought it was very strange that she had 3 kids with her first wife, two adopted, but when the wife left she only took her biological child.

I thought she and the first wife adopted, or maybe it was just Rosie, who adopted and the first wife wanted her own, so she had Viv. They shared custody of Viv. I think Rosie and the fist wife are on friendly terms.
Another take on Rosie's relationship with her daughter. I'm not sure whether I believe the birth mother any more than I do Rosie, but I'll put it out here:

As previously reported, O’Donnell had issues with Chelsea’s biological mother Deanna Micoley earlier this year when the 37-year-old woman told The National ENQUIRER that — in a heroin-fueled stupor in Nov. 1997 — she was forced to give up the baby by her ex-husband.

Micoley called out the A-lister, in The ENQUIRER, for knowing the adverse circumstances she was under at the time she gave up the child (who she initially named “Kayla”) for adoption.

Rosie O’Donnell stole my baby, but I don’t want her money — I just want my daughter back!” Micoley said. “I believe Rosie O’Donnell knew that I was in no condition to sign away my parental rights to my daughter! She did the worst thing one woman can do to another woman — take her child!”

Micoley said that while she might have been a law-breaking drug-user at the time, she “surely didn’t deserve to have my baby stolen from” her.

Chelsea and Micoley were reunited, she said, when O’Donnell’s daughter found and reached out to her biological maternal grandfather, who informed Micoley of the contact — and just who had adopted the child, a secret up until that point.

Micoley said that Chelsea told her “that she had issues with Rosie” earning the ire of the angry biological mother, who said that “Rosie has abandoned” Chelsea over the past five years.

“Rosie’s basically shipped Chelsea off to different boarding schools,” Micoley said, before launching into a series of accusations against the former host of The View.

“Rosie wants to paint me as a horrible person and says adopting Chelsea saved her from a life of misery,” she told The ENQUIRER. “Rosie even hired someone to dig up my criminal record and gave it to Chelsea.

“But bless her heart, Chelsea told me the past was the past, and she loves me! I went seventeen years without my daughter. The hurt I have I can’t express it enough, what you and your so-called agency has done to me and my family!

“You did the worst thing a woman could do to another woman,” Micoley said.

O’Donnell’s publicist Cindi Berger refuted Micoley’s claims, saying that the Sleepless In Seattle star “legally adopted” Chelsea, has “encouraged and supported Chelsea’s desire to communicate with her birth mother.”
Rosie O'Donnell daughter: Steven Sheerer arrested for endangering her welfare

Steven Sheerer, the man found with Rosie O’Donnell’s daughter Chelsea, has been arrested for endangering the welfare of a minor.
As Gossip Cop reported, 17-year-old Chelsea was missing for more than a week when police discovered her at a New Jersey residence with Sheerer, a convicted drug offender. It wasn’t immediately known how Chelsea came to be with Sheerer, and there was no indication of foul play. But since the teen’s recovery, O’Donnell gave police permission to search the cell phone Chelsea had been using.

Steven Sheerer arrested for endangering her welfare Cops discovered “evidence of inappropriate communications over the last several weeks between Sheerer and the minor,” leading to his arrest on Friday night for third degree endangering the welfare of a child and third degree distribution of obscenity to a minor. It’s unclear what exactly the messages contained.
Sheerer is being held in an Orange County jail on $40,000 bail, and could face up to 10 years in prison if convicted on both charges. He was previously charged with child endangerment in 2012, as well as heroin possession. O’Donnell ranted on Twitter earlier this week about Sheerer’s criminal history and alleged inappropriate behavior with Chelsea.
Another take on Rosie's relationship with her daughter. I'm not sure whether I believe the birth mother any more than I do Rosie, but I'll put it out here:

Ehh, the birth mother's statement makes me take Rosie's side. I don't even like Rosie. Basically she's saying that she was on drugs when she had her daughter and Rosie knew it. Let's just stop there and throw out the mom's victim statements. Adopting a child, when you know the mom is a heroin addict, is a good thing. If the mom was too drugged up to make that decision, as she stated, then she was too drugged up to care for the child. The rest of it makes no damn sense.