Rosie O'Donnell

Being raised by a team of nannies, not feeling love from 2 parents, being sent off away from family for school, parent figure smoking weed in room and house smelling like it, adoptive mother announcing to the world you have mental problems, etc. . . yup sounds like a functional upbringing to me :okay:

Money is irrelevant, this family is highly dysfunctional. Sad.
Wow, pretty harsh in here. I read it as a daughter who is confused and upset by her mother's different actions in public and in private, and also realizing as a young adult her mother really wanted nothing to do with her. That's hurtful if you ask me.

I agree. I don't blame her for wanting to tell her side.
I did not read the article.

I have to wonder daughter is now cut off financially from her comfortable lifestyle because of rules/boundaries set by mom. She turns 18 and moves out to go live with birth mother who does not have the $$$ to give the daughter all she had before. But birth mother was trashing Rosie in the press many times before..... So now the selling the stories to tabloids will make her some easy cash for the daughter????
Yeah, none of that read as a sob story to me. Oh, you were adopted by a rich lady who let you do what you want and "only ate pizza & chinese food". Wow rough. I wonder how it would have been being raised by a drug addict. Sheesh. Entitled much?.

I didn't expect to have this response, but the more Chelsea said in the article, the less I sympathized with her and the more reasonable I discovered Rosie sounded. I noticed that in the part about the second divorce, though it wasn't meant to make Rosie sound at all redeeming, Rosie kicked out and divorced her wife after her going after this daughter one too many times. It read like a child resentful that her parents divorced and she wasn't sent to get favorite parent plus a barely legal adult trying to justify her inappropriate (and initially illegal) sexual relationship by demonizing the mother who disapproves. If I hadn't observed this play out elsewhere, I don't think I would have noticed it here.
I think her interview sounded lucid and believable.

If you're dating a drug dealer/addict you're not thinking clearly. My brother is bipolar and always complained that no one loves him or helped him ....everyone is so mean to him when in reality he practically bankrupted my parents because they were cleaning up his mess. They had to get a conservatorship in order to finally get him the help he needed. Her claims of Rosie not being affectionate or controlling remind me of his tantrums.
To me, this is no tantrum. Its a very upset girl speaking out against a very neglectful and emotionally destructive mother. And countering the things said to the media about her by Rosie.
She has had too many run ins throughout her public life for me to believe there isn't something going on here.

I mean according to her , the kid was missing yet she was on social media like nothing was wrong.
I think her interview sounded lucid and believable.

Yes, but it was written by a lucid writer… who knows how the girl sounded when interviewed.

Chelsea said she had a happy childhood. When Kelly was living there, they must have eaten well. I'm sure the nannies cooked something. So Rosie doesn't cook. She's the breadwinner and has to cook too?
Yes, but it was written by a lucid writer… who knows how the girl sounded when interviewed.

Chelsea said she had a happy childhood. When Kelly was living there, they must have eaten well. I'm sure the nannies cooked something. So Rosie doesn't cook. She's the breadwinner and has to cook too?

It wasn't just that though, for me anyhow. It was the isolation from Rosie - even when Rosie was in the same house, same room. For a girl already dealing with being adopted (apart from one mother) that kind of behaviour from Rosie may have cut her pretty deeply. Emotional distance to kids is a big deal.
A rich parent making sure a child is fed doesn't = good parent. The girl was shipped off as a child, felt no real connection w/ her "mom" and the list goes on . . .
Rosie is a hot mess, we can clearly see that and have been able to for years, this kiddo seems to be too and I can't say I'm surprised.