Rescue Beauty Lounge - swatches & chit chat

I'm SO tempted to buy Jane and Catherine H, but I'm on something of a RBL self imposed embargo. (Probably the wrong term, but y'all know what i mean...) After the FB tantrum, I've been kind of weary of supporting the brand, but I keep falling back on how well it wears on me and how much I like it :shrugs: But more importantly, my poor baby kitty (literally, 1.5 yrs old) had to have bladder surgery at the beginning of December and is now maybe having heart issues too (Poor Ragdoll!!) so $18 a bottle is WAY too much right now, considering how much I had to shell out to make sure my little guy is still with me today. He's of course, WAY more worth every single penny than any bottle of nail polish in the whole world. But since Jane and Catherine H are up for general comsumption now, I have to keep telling myself that Anne and Catherine are good to be alone in my collection and I don't NEED all 4. Does anyone have any good dupes or similar colors that I can add to, or find in my stash for cheaper than Jane? I've got aout 115 different shades of blue, so I'm sure somewhere in there I've got a Catherine H alternative. I'm totally an enabler and would be like JUST BUY IT! :graucho: if I saw this post, but for the sake of my weeping wallet, gotta stick to alts here :smile: Thanks ladies!!!
I'm SO tempted to buy Jane and Catherine H, but I'm on something of a RBL self imposed embargo. (Probably the wrong term, but y'all know what i mean...) After the FB tantrum, I've been kind of weary of supporting the brand, but I keep falling back on how well it wears on me and how much I like it :shrugs: But more importantly, my poor baby kitty (literally, 1.5 yrs old) had to have bladder surgery at the beginning of December and is now maybe having heart issues too (Poor Ragdoll!!) so $18 a bottle is WAY too much right now, considering how much I had to shell out to make sure my little guy is still with me today. He's of course, WAY more worth every single penny than any bottle of nail polish in the whole world. But since Jane and Catherine H are up for general comsumption now, I have to keep telling myself that Anne and Catherine are good to be alone in my collection and I don't NEED all 4. Does anyone have any good dupes or similar colors that I can add to, or find in my stash for cheaper than Jane? I've got aout 115 different shades of blue, so I'm sure somewhere in there I've got a Catherine H alternative. I'm totally an enabler and would be like JUST BUY IT! :graucho: if I saw this post, but for the sake of my weeping wallet, gotta stick to alts here :smile: Thanks ladies!!!

Kittehs are much more important than NP! And I hear you on the RBL embargo. Every time I am about to pull the trigger, I remember the nonsense of the past few months and put away the credit card.

I found this link regarding comparisons and dupes. Hope it helps!
Kittehs are much more important than NP! And I hear you on the RBL embargo. Every time I am about to pull the trigger, I remember the nonsense of the past few months and put away the credit card.

I found this link regarding comparisons and dupes. Hope it helps!

Thanks! And yes! Kittehs are the most important thing! I told all my friends and family that I wouldn't be able to lavish many gifts on them this year because of him and all I wanted for Xmas was for him to be feel better! Thankfully, I think I got that. :biggrin: We still need to echo his heart to make sure he's just got a big heart full of love, and not a medical issue. But he's about 95% back to normal self before his issues!

I'm pretty convinced that I will somehow continue to live without Jane, despite how hard I campaigned and voted for her return, it's just not that important in the big picture now! I think my last RBL purchases will be the fan collection, depending on how they come out. :smile:

Thanks again for the help!
I think everyone needs Jane from RBL. I have it and adore it. I just received Purple Haze and Stormy from my son for Christmas...yes I left hints, but only wanted one. He surprised me with both. Then a few of my fabulous "Rebel" friends surprised me with Iconoclast which I was so sad over missing when it sold out the first time. It sold out again the other day. Its gorgeous and the most classy black you can own. Then with Christmas money from my mom I ordered Killa Red and Dead Calm. I am SET for quite some time with RBL, my collection is where I want it. This is until Starfish Patrick comes back EVER.
If anyone is one the fence and holding back because of drama, don't let that stop you from getting a polish you really love. You don't have to love Ji to enjoy her polish. She makes an awesome polish with fantastic colors and quality and I would encourage you to get what you want and just enjoy your polish. BTW, I am not a "crony" of Ji's or anyway vested in anything to do with RBL other than owning several and loving them and not letting any silly drama stop me from having great polish. "Just sayin"
I think everyone needs Jane from RBL. I have it and adore it. I just received Purple Haze and Stormy from my son for Christmas...yes I left hints, but only wanted one. He surprised me with both. Then a few of my fabulous "Rebel" friends surprised me with Iconoclast which I was so sad over missing when it sold out the first time. It sold out again the other day. Its gorgeous and the most classy black you can own. Then with Christmas money from my mom I ordered Killa Red and Dead Calm. I am SET for quite some time with RBL, my collection is where I want it. This is until Starfish Patrick comes back EVER.
If anyone is one the fence and holding back because of drama, don't let that stop you from getting a polish you really love. You don't have to love Ji to enjoy her polish. She makes an awesome polish with fantastic colors and quality and I would encourage you to get what you want and just enjoy your polish. BTW, I am not a "crony" of Ji's or anyway vested in anything to do with RBL other than owning several and loving them and not letting any silly drama stop me from having great polish. "Just sayin"

Totally understand what you mean, I have about 25 RBL's stashed away in my Helmer, and I do enjoy the colors! Some are incredibly unique and people always compliment them when I wear them, but others are seemingly easily replicated at a much more wallet friendly cost. As of course, are tons of other brands! Not trying to pick on or bash RBL here, more often than not I'm very happy and satisfied with my purchases. I was a big OMJi fangirl, not quite as big as some, but I was always quick to comment on how much I liked new collections or helpful posts. Heck, the Helmer put-together series helped me put mine together immensly! But like everyone in the world, certain things bother certain people more than others, and I fall into a category that some do, others don't. I'd never stop anyone from picking up a polish because of a personal feeling I had, especially since I was blissfully uninvolved and only watched from afar.

The whole experience with my little kitty however showed me just how much I was spending on one bottle of polish. For me, personally, not speaking for anyone else, 2 Queens and their associated costs are a little more than what 1 bottle of medication for the little guy costs, so it's an easy "either/or" situation for me. Of course I still have that greedy polish hog little voice inside me screaming to complete the collection and that I shoud just go ahead and buy them before they're gone and I regret it forever. But I have to be a grown up and slap my little voice and say NO, behave yourself inner crazy person! Which is increasingly difficult with so many pretty polishes coming out.

Anyway, to each their own in love, life and polish. :smile:
honey on boost said:
I'm finally putting my order in today. If you could choose between Anne & Piu Mosso which would you choose? I'm on a budget and I can only afford to get 3. I wish I could order with someone to get free shipping :sad:

I would go with Piu Mosso. If I had to own only one RBL, that would be it.
If anyone is one the fence and holding back because of drama, don't let that stop you from getting a polish you really love. You don't have to love Ji to enjoy her polish. She makes an awesome polish with fantastic colors and quality and I would encourage you to get what you want and just enjoy your polish. BTW, I am not a "crony" of Ji's or anyway vested in anything to do with RBL other than owning several and loving them and not letting any silly drama stop me from having great polish. "Just sayin"

But by spending money with her you are implying that you support her. I cannot support someone who treats their customers like dirt.
I'm SO tempted to buy Jane and Catherine H, but I'm on something of a RBL self imposed embargo. (Probably the wrong term, but y'all know what i mean...) After the FB tantrum, I've been kind of weary of supporting the brand, but I keep falling back on how well it wears on me and how much I like it :shrugs: But more importantly, my poor baby kitty (literally, 1.5 yrs old) had to have bladder surgery at the beginning of December and is now maybe having heart issues too (Poor Ragdoll!!) so $18 a bottle is WAY too much right now, considering how much I had to shell out to make sure my little guy is still with me today. He's of course, WAY more worth every single penny than any bottle of nail polish in the whole world. But since Jane and Catherine H are up for general comsumption now, I have to keep telling myself that Anne and Catherine are good to be alone in my collection and I don't NEED all 4. Does anyone have any good dupes or similar colors that I can add to, or find in my stash for cheaper than Jane? I've got aout 115 different shades of blue, so I'm sure somewhere in there I've got a Catherine H alternative. I'm totally an enabler and would be like JUST BUY IT! :graucho: if I saw this post, but for the sake of my weeping wallet, gotta stick to alts here :smile: Thanks ladies!!!

^ I'm sorry to hear your kitty! Poor little thing; I hope he gets better.
Thank you BluMochi! He's seeming better everyday (appetite returning, exploring again, fighting with his brother, etc) so were keeping our fingers crossed that we are thru the worst. And were keeping those fingers polished :smile:
Piu Mosso is nearly sold out (fewer than 10 by the cart trick). Anne will probably be around for another few months. I'd pick Piu Mosso for now!

I would go with Piu Mosso too! It's really a pretty color. The copper comes out well in the sun, but not so much indoors under office flourescent lights. It DOES look like there's something a little extra when you're under flourescent lights, but not like BAM- COPPER! If that makes sense. I have both and I think I prefer PM. :smile:

I would go with Piu Mosso. If I had to own only one RBL, that would be it.

Piu Mosso it is! TY ladies :hugs:
I am new to this forum and have never posted before, but I have been reading this thread since the RBL FB incident. I totally agree the whole FB incident from a few weeks ago was strange and has made me hestitant to post on the RBL FB page. However, because of it I found the PurseForum and have enjoyed reading about different polishes as I also love Dior, Chanel, and Cult Nails polishes.

Even though I think that Ji should manage the RBL FB page more professionally, I have had good experiences with the RBL nail polishes. I personally wouldn't let the FB incident keep me from the buying the polishes as I think they're a high quality, yet expensive, product overall.

Actually, I wish the Ji would focus less on "Bring it Back" votes and focus more on releasing new polishes.
Thanks! And yes! Kittehs are the most important thing! I told all my friends and family that I wouldn't be able to lavish many gifts on them this year because of him and all I wanted for Xmas was for him to be feel better! Thankfully, I think I got that. :biggrin: We still need to echo his heart to make sure he's just got a big heart full of love, and not a medical issue. But he's about 95% back to normal self before his issues!

I'm pretty convinced that I will somehow continue to live without Jane, despite how hard I campaigned and voted for her return, it's just not that important in the big picture now! I think my last RBL purchases will be the fan collection, depending on how they come out. :smile:

Thanks again for the help!
Revlon just released a nail polish called Graceful that I think looks similiar to Jane's base color. You can find it on Ulta's site.
Revlon just released a nail polish called Graceful that I think looks similiar to Jane's base color. You can find it on Ulta's site.

I will definitely look into that! I've seen those big displays of newish looking Revlons (including the Lippmann dupes) but I seem to have completely over looked Graceful! I'll pop into my Ulta today and check it out! Thank you very much for the suggestion!
I will definitely look into that! I've seen those big displays of newish looking Revlons (including the Lippmann dupes) but I seem to have completely over looked Graceful! I'll pop into my Ulta today and check it out! Thank you very much for the suggestion!

YES! I did see a color that Revlon released in like November that looks just like Jane. It came out when the purple and blue glitter polishes were on display. Not sure if it was meant as a base for them or not. But, I have Jane and think its almost exact. I didn't remember the name though.
I am new to this forum and have never posted before, but I have been reading this thread since the RBL FB incident. I totally agree the whole FB incident from a few weeks ago was strange and has made me hestitant to post on the RBL FB page. However, because of it I found the PurseForum and have enjoyed reading about different polishes as I also love Dior, Chanel, and Cult Nails polishes.

Even though I think that Ji should manage the RBL FB page more professionally, I have had good experiences with the RBL nail polishes. I personally wouldn't let the FB incident keep me from the buying the polishes as I think they're a high quality, yet expensive, product overall.

Actually, I wish the Ji would focus less on "Bring it Back" votes and focus more on releasing new polishes.

I agree, not sure why she just doesn't "BIB" herself with colors that are most popular. I would love to see more and new RBL polishes, as long as she keeps our favs. too.