Red Hot & Cool Blue..Check out Twiggers' Additions...

ALRIGHT TWIGGERS!!!! Your moving right along with bag number 2 and number 3!!! Can you pick an order of favorite, to next favorite, to next favorite? Your Aqua City looks soooo goood! Congratulations, and I can't wait to see number 4!!!

:POh, and does this mean no new wardrobe?:graucho:
twiggers! You have my two favorite colors - Aqua and Rouge VIF! Aren't they absolutely stunning?! I especially love the sultry color of RVIF and the very very complex color of the Acqua!

FYI, to protect both my AQUA and RVIF I used Apple Care Lotion and Rain Repellent. It didn't change the color at all and my handles still look brand spankin' new!
congrats "N"!!! I LOVE reds!!! and the twiggy is oh so too cute!!! love twiggys! and I agree, the aqua is definitely a keeper... no teal for me... a bit too dull... CONGRATS AGAIN!