Recommendation for an LV newbie...

hmmm it depends on whether you want a handheld bag or a shoulder bag and if there's a pattern/material you prefer. i tried on a bunch of things when i bought my first LV and couldn't decide and wound up getting a mono speedy 35 and a mono nf gm. i love them both a lot still.
The questions you should be asking youself are these:
1. How much can I spend on a bag? - know that LV bag is a good investment and if taken care of properly it can be sold on ebay at any time for a little less than its original value
2. Which bag do I like seeing on others? - don't get a Speedy just because everyone else has one even though it is a pretty good choice for a first bag in my oppinion
3. Which bag would fit my lifestyle the best? Should it be low maintenance (consider ebene)? How much things should it fit in?

But the most important it to get what YOU want and not what others want.

Now, if I were answering these questions for myself I'd probably get a Tivoli PM but my first bag was a gift so Tivoli is still on my wishlist!

Good luck choosing your first LV bag and please let us know what you decided on!
when I was a newbie I purchase SLG first: a french wallet and a key holder. I got lots of use out of them before they were stolen :sad:
I like speedy Bandoliere, more options to use. Delightful pm is nice too.