Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

If he’s going to lie he might as well make up lies that can reasonably believed to be true.

Prince William being avid/huge fan of suits?! He probably didn’t even hear of the show until the claw showed up on the doorstep…

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it's an american show and I, an American, was aware of it (only because I watched old Law & Order episodes on the channel it was on) but never watched and never heard of MM until she nailed H
I agree with you. I see no point in Kate and MM having a meeting to clear the air but I think she'll do whatever is best for William and the country. Still, I think there are a lot of risks to a meeting. Unless they grovel, which I don't see either Kate or Will ever doing, Harry and MM won't be best pleased and they'd just be giving them more material to use, more petty grievances to air.

Later with Gayle King:
Kate walked in, said hello with a smile, and then proceeded to take the largest croissant off the refreshment table! Before I could react, my brother then took the next largest croissant! Meghan and I were left to pick amongst the remaining slightly smaller croissants. Mine was even a bit crispier on the edges than that of my brother and Meghan's was not as attractive a shape as the one Kate took. I don't know how Meghan held herself together from such an onslaught of disrespect. I quite expected her to throw herself to the floor weeping. I said to my brother, well, once again, you and Kate have the best of everything and we have to settle for what's left. For some reason, Willy got a strange look in his eyes, as if he might leap across the table and strangle me. He truly frightens me when that happens.
This is so childish and petty and unimportant. Perceived slights may on occasion be based on fact but there is an order to civilized behavior even when one is not royalty. Guests get first choice or are served first. There are only two drumsticks for turkey—the third son gets what is left. He moves on. Pastries are often different sizes. That is not a reason for offense. I find this and other insults claimed in the book incomprehensible. This man child needs a life.
While I can't see a "peace summit" with the black mailers happening if I was Catherine I'd say leave me out of a wives meeting. What good could come of it? M and Catherine will never be good friends and they don't need to be. Both obviously have different experiences with I'd say little in common. Why should Catherine need to bow to the needs of M who appears to only care about her own needs.
Agreed, but it puts Catherine in a very difficult spot. If this summit were to happen as outlined and she refused to participate it would just give TW ammunition to say "I told you so, she's a snob who thinks she's better than me". I hope KC doesn't cave to the bullying, blackmailing terrible twosome. He needs to separate himself as Charles the father from Charles the monarch and act accordingly.
It's getting so bad I don't know if something is a parody or actually in the book. I just assumed the Gayle King tidbit about the croissants was a joke. Was it? And surely Wills breaking wind is a parody.

Just goes to show that so much of what H writes is so crazy who knows if it is real or his imagination. 3% real/ 97% imagination in my opinion.

You don't move on if you cannot let go of the past.
While I can't see a "peace summit" with the black mailers happening if I was Catherine I'd say leave me out of a wives meeting. What good could come of it? M and Catherine will never be good friends and they don't need to be. Both obviously have different experiences with I'd say little in common. Why should Catherine need to bow to the needs of M who appears to only care about her own needs.
maybe the idea is they want to leave Meghan out of the first meeting so in order to appear fair and include her in something, they want a meeting between her and Kate (assuming any of this is true). One of the WIFE's biggest champions, Sunny Hostin, expressed outrage that Meghan wasn't included in one of the prior meetings.
While Diana was proud of her Spencer heritage, she was desperate at the time to become a Windsor. The Spencers may have a title and money, but they were not *royalty*.
I had always read that Diana actually came from a more aristocratic background than Charles, with her ancestors going further back in British history than his. One of the reasons she was highly desirable as his bride.
Sunny Hostin, expressed outrage that Meghan wasn't included in one of the prior meetings.
that's not how this works seth meyers GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
Real Housewives Reaction GIF by PeacockTV
I had always read that Diana actually came from a more aristocratic background than Charles, with her ancestors going further back in British history than his. One of the reasons she was highly desirable as his bride.
I think she had "better" or more British aristocratic bloodlines...the Windsors ancestors were German? Brits please correct me
it's an american show and I, an American, was aware of it (only because I watched old Law & Order episodes on the channel it was on) but never watched and never heard of MM until she nailed H
It is well known in Germany - it is btw a pretty good show and worth watching.
Well, at least the first seasons: It never jumped the shark, but it was stretched out like a lot of other shows.