PICTURE: Esiders' Bbags

OMG!!!!!!!!!! E~ you have the most incredible collection!!!!!!:love: I'm a huge fan of the work too!!!!!!!!!! I see Gerlinda got her chocolate!:drool: :yahoo: :nuts: I have to say that the truffle day looks absolutely beautiful!!!!!!:heart:
e, you have accumulated a dangerous collection of too many items I most desire and covet.

Rouge Theater Work?:shocked:
Pewter Weekender?:shocked:
05 Maroon Work?:shocked:
Sapin Work?:shocked:
Rouge Vif Money?:shocked:

NFW!! Get outta here! How's that possible? And Fitzy thrown in the mix? I'm coming over to adverse possess your house and all its contents, Fitzy and your kid included.... Squatters' rights, here I come!
esiders!!! i love all ur bags!!! i'm in love with the work and all ur bbags are in more neutral colors which is exactly what i love!!!!

wow wow...thx for sharing :smile: