OMG! Phhhuuuaaa!!!

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Apr 19, 2006
Okay, we have a contract attorney who is in the office today. She is only in once or twice a month! Well, she asks me if I have change for a dollar, sees my Black Birkin bag (where the back of the Birkin is facing her) and says "oh wow that's a really nice looking bag, what is it?" I coyly say "a Birkin" and her jaw practically drops - she is looking at me like this :wtf: and then says "Wow, a Birkin - A REAL ONE?" I then say "uh-huh" :confused1:

What in the heck was that? :roflmfao: How are you supposed to respond to that?
Some people are just so rude! She obviously knows what a Birkin bag is, but to ask if its real? Come on!

Yeah, that is where it got a little tacky... Will give her the benefit of the doubt in this case (?) and just assume she assumed the "real" ones were unobtainable by mortal souls...
Yeah, that is where it got a little tacky... Will give her the benefit of the doubt in this case (?) and just assume she assumed the "real" ones were unobtainable by mortal souls...

LOL! You're right SoCal!!! That's how I will look at it.

It was funny at first then I thought geez that was insulting! :shame:
Don't you know a Birkin is the stuff of mythology? Doesn't really exist IRL, so to actually see one, well... anyone would be surprised and awe-struck, lol! Tell her, Zeus is my daddy.