NYers to the rescue =]

gasp* :drool: EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO!!!!!!!!!! lol...I wish it were a bag though. I wonder why no one else on this forum really paid him any attention before...I love that guy!
I did, I kept wondering who he is, coz there's the yellow dude which I assumed is Sabochan, even though he's pink in the vinyl figure, and then there's him, I didn't get who that was.
I actually paid more attention to the tee, it's really cute.

I think it's cute on the canguro coz it's small so he really sticks out, on the bags he kinds disappears among the other characters.
Yeah I saw that one, I actualy wear Diesel and I got a stretchy one, the colors really don't rub off on stuff.

As for Seven it's kinda weird, I figured expensive brands make sure their jeans are in good quality, that includes color that doesn't stain other clothes or bags. :hrmm:
Maybe if you try washing them a few times then the color will stop coming out?
One SA told me that for dark jeans, they have to process it a certain way to get it that dark because it's difficult to get it that dark, so the ink sometimes runs... Idkn if that makes any sense...I'm thinking of pen ink...when you make a line with it once, it dries and it's fine...but if you run over that line many more times..it'll smear. After washing, less ink rubs off, but it still does and I tend to wear white/light colored sneakers. They've all got a bit of blue on them..lol
My Diesel jeans are really dark and they don't rub off on anything, not even white tees or bags. They never did.
Too bad the new ones cost like 500$ for a pair. :Push:

I don't think it's the same as pen ink, it should be more stable, way more stable.

I once had a jeans that was so bad, the color came off on my hands when I touched it, I looked like a smurf, I just threw it away. :yucky:

Btw, isn't it like 05:30am over there?
My diesels don't either..Then again, their overall quality is different from other brands.

I know it's not the same as pen ink, but was using it as an analogy to postulate why it's happening..lol

I'd be scared to wear jeans that ran that badly,

and yes...it's 5:30 over here and I have to leave the house at 7...lol

Gotta finish my physical chemistry HW lol- it takes all of us 4-11 hours on each assignment for this class
You didn't sleep at all? :wtf:

I hate pulling all nighers, I'm so tired the next day.

Yeah I didn't wanna wear them, they were disgusting, that's why I like my Diesel. How much are they in US? They are so expensive over here.
I think they average 169/pair. It depends on the wash, and detail. I've gotten a pair for $40 once though!!!

$500/pair is crazy. Some people pay that much for a suit.

It's weird sometimes, my brother was telling me when he lived in spain that places Zara was cheap there compared to the us, and other places cheap here were expensive there.
Yes, Zara is not expensive here as well, I mean depends which line, but nothing is shockingly expensive.

Diesel's cheapest pair over here is like 250$, most are about 500$, it's crazy coz I got mine a few years ago for about a 100-150$, and all of a sudden the prices are sky high.
I wonder how much they cost in Italy.
Yeah I checked it out, the shipping is 5-7 days but it takes up to 48 hours to process.
I'm guessing it won't take more than 4 days, but I can't take that risk. :Push: