not-so-great shopping experience.long

These are some crazy stories. It's not just H, but a lot of high end stores. I always make an effort to be really nice to all of the SAs. Sometimes they just won't be nice back. When an SA gets snippy with me, that's when I decide that I need to try on everything in the shop. I truly believe in making an effort toward the SA. However, if I'm super kind to them and they still decide to treat me like I am a pain, well I don't want to prove them wrong...
I don't know his name either, but I know who you're talking about. He was in the store when I was there last week. Seemed very nice.

Ammietwist - I have been in the Atlanta store a few times when visiting family. With one - okay maybe two - exceptions, the SAs have been very nice. Unfortunately, I didn't get the names of the ones who helped me! A young black man in particular was very nice, went to great lengths to help me find the wallet I wanted to buy for my husband. If he is still there I would recommend him - wish I knew his name.
Brennamom, don't give up!! Go back there and deal with someone else! I have had a couple a$$hats and some really lovely people assist me. It's just luck when you go in a particular store for the first time. My friend and I always call our local store to make sure our fave, and NICE, SA is there before we go. I've been lucky on foreign trips. I just don't understand the bad attitude from some of them. They're probably jerks in their personal lives too.

Don't give up, you haven't been singled out, if they're like that to you they're probably like that to most every other customer. I guarantee there will be at least a couple sweethearts at your store, you just have to feel them out.