New Years RESOLUTIONS 2011

1. Save money - that one is really hard to do though but I'm going to limit my spendings
2. Study Study Study!!
3. Try not to get mad so easily
4. Eat healthier and try not to eat a lot of fast food
5. Be happy with everything I have
This may sound selfish but 2011 is going to be the year of putting me first. I have totally lost myself and I think that is the only way to get back to the fun, happy, me.

You know what?! I completely agree. This is # 1 on my list as well. I put a lot of people before myself especially at work. I help everyone at work taking everyone's shifts that they don't want/need without thinking about it because I love making extra money and being super comfortable pay cheque and spending wise. At the same time I have wayyy less time for myself and don't get to spend quality time with my husband, family and friends which I don't like either. I'm putting someone's interest ahead of my own. I have made a deal with myself for 2011 that if I work someone's shift and end up working a 6 day work week one week the following week I have to say NO!

My other 2011 Resolutions include:
2. Becoming a better cook, knowing what to cook on a weekly basis so I don't eat out as much and perhaps taking a cooking & nutrition course.

3. Buying a car - I've been without a car for 4.5 years and have been saving up. Public transportation is getting tiresome and don't like relying on it completely.

4. Keep getting more confident inside and outside. Be true to myself and believe in me more.