New All things Positive LE Magenta thread

Alexa: First on the waitlist...did you need to give them a CC...or they'll just call you if something comes up? I'm actually surprised...given the number of cancellations that they couldn't fill your order! I'm now contemplating calling and putting myself on the list!
Alexa: First on the waitlist...did you need to give them a CC...or they'll just call you if something comes up? I'm actually surprised...given the number of cancellations that they couldn't fill your order! I'm now contemplating calling and putting myself on the list!

Hi twiggers

i don't really know what's going on :confused1: i can see from this forum that quite a few tpfs have/are in the process of cancelling but no one has been in touch. my DH faxed them my copy of the form with his payment details on 11th aug. the apology e-mail came 2 days later but stated i was first on the list for a cancellation. i have spoken with both daisy & courtney (mgr) over this, so hopefully they won't let me down (again!). give them a call & let me know how you get on :smile:
My understanding from the BalNY Manager was that the bags that were allocated to pre-orders that cancelled would not be made at all.

When we spoke about three weeks ago I was asked to cancel ASAP so they could cancel their order to recieve the bag. The Manager seemed to communicate that Bal would only make and receive the bags that were still on order only.

Good luck :flowers:
as far as i know there have been cancellations more recently than 3 weeks ago & i very much doubt that all the bags have been made in the last 3 weeks. i also doubt that courtney would say this in her email if it wasn't the case but let's just wait & see. fingers crossed
twiggers! :smile:
hi guys, no news to report yet.. keeping fingers crossed for tomorrow for my phone to ring!!

lovelygarments... thank you! nope, i am not in marketing... after this week, i may need a career change!! lol!

Deana! thanks for all the wonderful magenta pics!

hey.. i just leafed threw the whole big huge vogue september issue, and there is lots of magenta being shown...... its a big color this fall ladies...

i see... black sweater dresses, black tights.... magenta bags!!!!!
hi pinky
it must be poss as others on TPF seem to have cancelled. bal ny have told me i'm first on the waitlist for a cancelled RHW. if i could take your order i would but i don't know how they're handling the cancellations etc. call & speak to Daisy she is so nice. the duties in the uk are awful too. i just rec'd an order from a US department store to the value of £700 & i had to pay a further £250 in duties & postage :cursing: if our stores carried better stock we wouldn't have to shop in other countries :rolleyes: :smile:

Alexakara, you all have such stiff duties on items coming into your country! I feel so bad for you.... That is a real deterrent to shopping outside your country, isn't it?
Hi Alexakara, I was told the delivery of the RH will be in september so I will keep the order. I thougt the delivery will be october.
Good luck and fingers crossed for you!

thanks pinky :smile: i'd like to think everything will work out for everybody concerned. bal ny sell all the pre-orders, we listers get our LEs & those who cancelled are still happy that they did.

my hmwe46 certainly seems to be the gal with all the privileged information ;)
Nicky is Magenta Queen :biggrin:
Just thought I'd bump this thread up again to cheer up anyone who is waiting, here you go:

Sorry if this is a little saucy, ooh la la!

And on a totally different note, anyone want to match their bag to their buggy?

Finally I bet you all recognise where this little splash of magenta comes from:

:heart: to all :smile:
oh my goodness wouldn't that be nice! another person patiently waiting for the RH magenta city here... :sweatdrop:

seeing your ticker makes me so sad!!! haha knowing tomorrow should be a month since we've HAD our magenta. i can't wait to get my undoubtedly gorgeous city--i am so ancy since the BBag bug has bitten me HARD!! :heart: