needs PCE card

Aww I just got back from my wedding and PCE is going on? Damn I was so hoping to get one this time!! If anyone has an extra I would really love to have one! =(
I did go to my boutique today as I received a call about the PCE. I was able to pre-order my items. If I receive a card in the mail I would be happy to give it to one of you gals. So far I have not received it yet.
Ditto...I would love to have one, also! I'm planning on buying a bag next week anyway, but it would be nice to also be able to afford a signature multistripe swing pack (which I've had my eye on)!

- TwoSirius
I'm a new Coach-addict (I hope they don't have a support group for this, otherwise my husband would make me go). I would LOVE to get my hands on a PCE card to feed my new addiction!! Thanks!:graucho: