Need Opinion: To buy or not to buy white jumbo flap

Wow, I think a white jumbo looks fab! I wld like to get a light coloured bag instead of blacks too. Is this white with gold or silver h/w (sorry, cannot quite tell from the pic, maybe it is my lappie).
You should definitely go for it. I have a bone white caviar M/L that I adore and use a lot. It's several years old but looks pristine, and any dirt will wipe right off. I had to use an eraser to clean some of the dirt I got on it, but I got it all off.
I also have a stark white caviar Mini that I use all summer. I got color transfer from my navy blue cotton sun dress but I was able to clean it with Apple cleaner.

Honestly, as long as it's caviar, do not afraid of whites!!!!!!
2k is a great price for a white jumbo especially if its in good condition. I just purchased a white jumbo for much more. But a white bag is definitely not for everyday! I would say that its a good purchase if you are looking to add color to your collection but otherwise you might find it annoying to use a white bag.