Need help deciding! (Speedy vs. Josephine)

Regardless of whether you need another speedy or not, you say that you are going to get it either way. So I say get the speedy first and Josephine later. Speedy increase will be higher of course, as it's already more expensive. I highly recommend the Josephine, it's wonderful. Good luck.
Thanks everyone for the responses! I really appreciate all of them!:flowers:

Here's the deal, I've been planning over the past few weeks to get a wallet in DA to match my NF GM in DA that I use in the spring/summer. I wasn't anticipating on getting the Speedy within the next 6 months, but it is something that I eventually want to have in my collection and feel that the price increase is making me want to put that purchase before some of the SLG's that I've been planning on getting. It's a smarter decision to get the Speedy first, and the Speedy came to mind since it's not that much higher in price than some of their wallets.

I'm going to mull it over and pop by the shop next week. Will post a reveal with what I decide. :smile:

Thanks again for the help!