My Tummy Tuck Journey

Good job, GHALL! True Religions sounds delicious! :graucho:
I'm still not cleared for ab work yet... PS said to wait another week and light cardio is ok. I'm itching to start P90X! lol. Keep it up! :woohoo:
i fit into my true religions today! thought they were 27 but they are 28. they fit like a glove! no muffin top! i was in a 31-32 before surgery- 30 after surgery- and now i'm in a 28! woohoo!!!my final goal is to be in a 26.
Just stumbled across this thread.. thanks so much for posting your journey ghall.

I had my first consult today.. scheduling two more. It's a huge decision for me. The recovery scares me... but I really think this is something I need to do for myself.
Hey ghall, long time no talk...was just wondering how your recovery process was going. Are you still experiencing any bloating and how did p90x work out for ya? I was thinking about getting it for myself for Christmas. Post some pics soon!!
Hi Ghall!
I have been following your thread and finally made a consultation appt because i was feeling so encouraged and motivated reading about your journey. My consult was yesterday and it went well...I am a prime candidate (after 2 c-sections - twin sons in 2001 and a daughter in 2005, my belly looks like your before picks!). Did you have c-sections? If so, did you think the c-section recovery was worse or easier than the TT recovery? Also, I read in one of your first messages in this thread-that you didn't really have PAIN, just discomfort. That is wonderful to hear b/c I am TERRIFIED about the pain during recovery. I think I can handle discomfort but full-on pain scares the heck out of me!!
Anyway, you look fantastic. Thanks for being so honest and candid.