My sale purchase arrived!

Thank you for all the compliments!
I used the bag yesterday and it was perfect! It fits in lots of stuff, but they don't "disappear" in the bag! And it was very comfortable to carry.

Polaremil, did you get the bag? I was really surprised too how slow the delivery was (yes, I'm in Finland). It was almost the same price as NAP's but way way slower. In addition, the box was a bit battered when it got here (one corner was slightly open) but luckily nothing had happened to the bag.

Hi there. I got the bag, finally (my box was slightly battered too!). I asked the UPS guy about the delivery and he explained that the price was for the slowest possible delivery, by land, not air!! The reason NAP's prices are relatively cheap is that they probably have a good deal with DHL, based on the vast amount of foreign deliveries.

I'll try to post pics of the bag during the weekend.