My mother said the funniest/most awful thing...

I think that bag is beautiful. If I had enough money I would definitely consider getting it. Absolutely gorgeous. It's more about how you feel when you are wearing it. If you feel great while you are wearing it, and it suits your needs perfectly that's really all that matters. Sometimes I may not like someones bag, but I do like the confidence they wear it with!
I feel fortunate, my mom likes all my bags. One time she was trying to guess how much I paid for a certain gucci boston. When she got to $500, I said yeah. She was speechless. Good thing I didnt tell her the actual price, around $1500! :lol:
Too funny!! :roflmfao: Your bag is gorgeous!! I got my prugna a while ago and haven't had a chance to take her out yet.......but come Fall weather and she'll be on my arm alot!! Enjoy!! ;)
your bag looks great! its a good buy!
i tink its probably just a matter of different tastes. different people, within the same generation or not have different tastes. so while one person can find a bag nice, another may not.
so dont worry - go on and flaunt your bag to the world! ;)
It's okay, don't feel bad about it. Everyone has different tastes.

Similar story with a fendi bag of mine, the one in my avator. My friends saw it and said it was the ugliest thing ever. But i love it (and boy do i love it!!!!!), and thats the most important thing.