My Christmas goodies revealed.. finally! *PICS*

Wow your bf is so sweet! My bf buys me things out of the blue sometimes, but he will simply insist on paying not so much going into the store (he hates shopping with me because I take forever!)

But othertimes he will simply start a fight with me on purpose so then when i'm steaming mad he can pull out the present (usually something that I really want) and watch my face change (From this :cursing::mad::rant:----> to this :nuts::angel::girlsigh:) Lol...I think I perfer your bf's methods better lol...although I guess he has provided a me with the experience of a "true surprise" lol!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the R&R JEANS! That is my other love rock and republic jeans!

Your bf has fabulous taste! congrats and enjoy!