My Birthday ... thank you ladies... *with Reveal*

:smile::smile:Happy Birthday Wish you all the very best :smile::smile:

I love your place. It is so beautiful. :tup::tup: And the kelly of course. :tup:

Thank you Ilovemylife (it's our favorite place to sit and read or computer of play with the kids) though we saw a truly spectacular house somewhere else and we are seriously thinking of it...) jag (thank you for your signature), gracekelly & LVLeuxus07 and now I'm off to Hot Yoga.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY H&H. It sounds like you had the perfect day. and I love your noisette kelly. what a gorgeous tranquil place to hang out in your back yard and knit and do yoga and lunch of course.
Happy Birthday H&H!! It is great to share your birthday with you!
Your DH sounds so sweet and what a lovely selection of gifts!!

Your kelly is so pretty, cannot wait to see it in the action thread!
Many happy returns!
Hebe - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! The kelly is amazing. My total favorite - sellier box kelly. Sigh. Wear it in good health. Your other presents are gorgeous, too. A nice haul.

I thought noisette was a reddish brown. The kelly looks red on my screen. [?]

Many Happy Returns

I think the gifts are just so lovely each and every one of them I love that wooden box too
The kelly is out of this world!

I knit Kloostie and I love it though admit to having not picked up some needles in quite a while.
Its so relaxing

happy happy happy birthday
