mint nikki's should come soon! who's excited?!


May 24, 2008

I went on the computer with all good intentions of canceling my pre-order about 5 times in the past month, to help me with my financial stresses (rather, to not add more to the stress), and every single time I made the mistake of logging onto TPF at the same time... and every time I caught sght of RM Maven's avatar picture and I ended up not being able to do it.

If it is true to picture this might just be tied with my wine Nikki for my all time favorite bag.

If it is NOT true to picture and I'm not loving it, as a side note, does anyone know if luna boston will take a return on a pre-ordered bag? I don't see why not but you never know I guess.

I absolutely can NOT wait to see this bag in person. Did anyone else pre-order it? :nuts: I can't wait to post tons of pics. They are supposed to ship on February 1st as far as I know.
Aww thanks baghag yeah that would be really nice after having to wait so long for all the other bags I ordered that got sent to the wrong address, haha. I am dyingggggggggggg to see what it looks like in real life! I know bags are almost never what they appear, but I am hoping! I have a good feeling!
I initially wanted one, but then decided to order a Seafoam Mini Nikki from Bluefly and actually have fallen in love with that and think that I like it better than the pics of the Mint that I've seen (not that Mint isn't beautiful -- it is! Just that Seafoam works better with my wardrobe).

I am looking forward to seeing pics, though, even though I won't be buying the bag :smile:.
I am dying to see the new mint color and what styles RM will do it in. Personally, like Jenny Cadine said, I've procured my share of Nikkis... so I'm not really looking at another one.. so i really hope that RM will do the mint in MAC or a mini devote (because I think the full size devote will be so heavy that I'm going to have to hit the gym before I can start carrying it out!)