Michael Fassbender

Yeah, so I've read.. Also the rule is the Centrepiece film has to be a World Premiere, so Steve Jobs won't be at TIFF. Michael is not at his happiest promoting films so I wouldn't expect him to do more than the minimum. He has the perfect excuse filming AC in London too [emoji6]


Notably, while the NYFF's centerpiece spot often goes to a world premiere of a buzzed-about end-of-year movie, "Steve Jobs" is not listed as a world premiere, and will likely bow at another of the prestigious North American fall festivals, such as Toronto or Telluride.

They would have for sure listed it as a premiere in the press release (probably mentioning it more than once, lol). And I seriously doubt any film festival has a hard and fast rule about premieres. It's not always easy to get the films they want, and even when they do get the films sometimes that film's team will get back to them letting them know a bigger or more important festival or an earlier festival is interested and then boom, no more premiere. Sure, they all want premieres, but I think programmers make up the "rules" as they go, based on what they can get.

Anyway, I think it's interesting that the LA Times doesn't think this will be at Venice (I just can't see it, myself), but could be at Telluride, which is also difficult for me to see, for whatever reason. IDK, but Steve Jobs just seems like such a TIFF kind of film.
Yeah, so I've read.. Also the rule is the Centrepiece film has to be a World Premiere, so Steve Jobs won't be at TIFF. Michael is not at his happiest promoting films so I wouldn't expect him to do more than the minimum. He has the perfect excuse filming AC in London too [emoji6]

No, the rule is that at least 2 out of 3 of the galas (opening, centerpiece, closing) have to be premieres. And since the press release doesn't mention that Jobs is a premiere, while The Walk and Miles Ahead are, that means it's a safe bet Jobs will show up at TIFF/Telluride.

ETA: and Kyoko answered just before me.
Yeah, so I've read.. Also the rule is the Centrepiece film has to be a World Premiere, so Steve Jobs won't be at TIFF. Michael is not at his happiest promoting films so I wouldn't expect him to do more than the minimum. He has the perfect excuse filming AC in London too [emoji6]

Also, if the bolded is true, then ugh at Fassbender. Promoting films is part of his damn job, and he should be happy to do so because the only way he continues to get paid is if people go see his movies so he continues to get cast! I can get not liking the promotion part, because every job has unlikable aspects and promotion can be grueling, but I really dislike when actors are so full of themselves they do only the bare minimum, if that. It reeks of entitlement to me. Like, the only reason you are a multi-millionaire right now is because fans went to go see your movies, so you got paid more as you gained more fans and popularity. Promotion is for those fans. This mindset irks me, and I easily believe it's one MF has, because he does seem to do the bare minimum promotion-wise for his little indies (where the return isn't so great because he's not getting paid a lot, it's not an ongoing franchise), when often the only reason they cast a star with a name in a small film is so they can get more and better promotion!
Idk why he didn't promote Slow West tbh, he only did like 2 interviews for this. Idk if he doesn't like it, but he seems to do the best he can when promoting indie films, I think he does it depending on his schedule (and if he's up to it). He did that with Frank. We all know he promotes his big films such as XMen and all of McQueens films, etc.
No, the rule is that at least 2 out of 3 of the galas (opening, centerpiece, closing) have to be premieres. And since the press release doesn't mention that Jobs is a premiere, while The Walk and Miles Ahead are, that means it's a safe bet Jobs will show up at TIFF/Telluride.

ETA: and Kyoko answered just before me.

If Jobs was a world premiere they would have mentioned. Since it isn't, we'll definitely see it at TIFF. Telluride I don't know...Social Network premiered at NYFF, while Moneyball premiered at TIFF and 127 Hours premiered at Telluride. Let's see what happens. When will they announce Telluride's lineup? It's like a week or a few days before the festival?
There is no way he isn't going to have a heavy promotion schedule for Steve Jobs. It's part of the game, whether he likes doing it or not, and I'm sure it is part of his contract. This is a prestige picture for Universal during a big year for the studio. Plus Rudin, Boyle and Sorkin (however reluctantly) gave him this chance and not for him to do it and let it fly on his own.

He'll be out there for it, along with Winslet, who will teach him the ropes of how to really run an Oscar campaign. And I expect Sorkin to be doing a lot of press to make up for those Sony emails.
Idk why he didn't promote Slow West tbh, he only did like 2 interviews for this. Idk if he doesn't like it, but he seems to do the best he can when promoting indie films, I think he does it depending on his schedule (and if he's up to it). He did that with Frank. We all know he promotes his big films such as XMen and all of McQueens films, etc.

He was shooting Jobs when Slow West premiered at Sundance and other festivals. But he did a few interviews when it was released on theaters. It's a small film, we can't forget about that.

Like I said many times before, when an actor chooses to make many films in a row, eventually when one of them comes out, he will be shooting another one. Michael knows that. Last year he shot three films but by the time Frank was released he still hadn't started TLBO. When Cannes happened, he didn't have to shoot a lof of scenes for X-Men. When he was promoting 12 Years and The Counselor, he still hadn't started Slow West...it's just a matter of schedule, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
There is no way he isn't going to have a heavy promotion schedule for Steve Jobs. It's part of the game, whether he likes doing it or not, and I'm sure it is part of his contract. This is a prestige picture for Universal during a big year for the studio. Plus Rudin, Boyle and Sorkin (however reluctantly) gave him this chance and not for him to do it and let it fly on his own.

He'll be out there for it, along with Winslet, who will teach him the ropes of how to really run an Oscar campaign. And I expect Sorkin to be doing a lot of press to make up for those Sony emails.

Now Sorkin will say "Michael is an amazing actor, his time has come", "He was the perfect choice to play Jobs and blablabla". The press will forget about the "who the hell is Fassbender?" or Universal will gently tell journalists to avoid the subject. Oh Hollywood :lol:
Idk why he didn't promote Slow West tbh, he only did like 2 interviews for this. Idk if he doesn't like it, but he seems to do the best he can when promoting indie films, I think he does it depending on his schedule (and if he's up to it). He did that with Frank. We all know he promotes his big films such as XMen and all of McQueens films, etc.

He did some more promotion for it in the UK. I think the deal with the A24/DirecTV, which basically ruled out box office receipts in the US, cut down on the promotion of Slow West overall. There was no incentive for them to pay for a promotional tour. It sounds like he was expected at Sundance for the premiere (Variety and others promoted interviews), but he got stuck on the Steve Jobs set.
There is no way he isn't going to have a heavy promotion schedule for Steve Jobs. It's part of the game, whether he likes doing it or not, and I'm sure it is part of his contract. This is a prestige picture for Universal during a big year for the studio. Plus Rudin, Boyle and Sorkin (however reluctantly) gave him this chance and not for him to do it and let it fly on his own.

He'll be out there for it, along with Winslet, who will teach him the ropes of how to really run an Oscar campaign. And I expect Sorkin to be doing a lot of press to make up for those Sony emails.

We'll see... I predict he will do what he has to but no more. The producers are also aware of Macbeth opening in London on 2 October and his AC commitments... Why do you think he would want to learn how to run an Oscar campaign? I get the distinct feeling that his fans are more invested in him winning an Oscar than he is!
We'll see... I predict he will do what he has to but no more. The producers are also aware of Macbeth opening in London on 2 October and his AC commitments... Why do you think he would want to learn how to run an Oscar campaign? I get the distinct feeling that his fans are more invested in him winning an Oscar than he is!
Oh, he wants to win an Oscar all right. He wouldn't have gotten so butt hurt when he wasn't even nominated, then acted so spiteful about campaigning during 12YAS. You don't react like that if you legit don't care. And he should care, an Oscar is one of the highest symbols of recognition in his chosen career, and everyone craves recognition. Anyone who doesn't is a liar or a sociopath, because recognition is a basic human desire. It's in Maslow's hierarchy of needs and everything!

As far as Frank... didn't he also bail on Sundance the year Frank premiered? If I remember, while they tried to play that off as "he got stuck on the set of Macbeth", what really happened was he had an urgent meeting with a Romanian in Italy, where he proceeded to hang out for a while, riding trains to Rome and chilling in hotels (knowledge courtesy of Madalina and Instagram!). And he couldn't even be bothered to actually talk on the phone when he was nominated for an Oscar, but did everything by text message. That's not really "doing everything", I don't think.

But I agree, he will for sure promote the hell out of Jobs. It's probably in his contract, so he'll have no choice!
RE: Slow West and promotion

A24 actually has done great, creative marketing (including posters, graphics, etc.) for a lot of their films, including Locke, Under the Skin, Spring Breakers.

Now look at the work they did for Slow West (posters, DVD cover). I think it's very, very obvious that they weren't allocating time or money for that film. They dumped it VOD.

So it's entirely possible that they just didn't want to pony up the cash or put in time for anything more than a 1-day press junket. I wouldn't lay that completely at Michael's door.
He'll be out there for it, along with Winslet, who will teach him the ropes of how to really run an Oscar campaign. And I expect Sorkin to be doing a lot of press to make up for those Sony emails.

I missed this before, but OMG I would pay money to see him run a Kate Winslet style Oscar campaign! That would just be so epic. Because Winslet is an epic campaigner! And yes, I agree about Sorkin. He's such a sycophant anyway, he will definitely be making up for those emails.
RE: Slow West and promotion

A24 actually has done great, creative marketing (including posters, graphics, etc.) for a lot of their films, including Locke, Under the Skin, Spring Breakers.

Now look at the work they did for Slow West (posters, DVD cover). I think it's very, very obvious that they weren't allocating time or money for that film. They dumped it VOD.

So it's entirely possible that they just didn't want to pony up the cash or put in time for anything more than a 1-day press junket. I wouldn't lay that completely at Michael's door.

A24 bought Slow West in a deal with DirecTV, which guaranteed that the film was released VOD more than an month before it hit theaters. This greatly limited the number of theaters what would even pick it up for a run. They went all in on VOD. For TAU, on the other hand, A24 has exclusive rights, so we should see a more traditional promotion campaign.

For Frank, Michael didn't go to Sundance (for whatever reason), but he went to the New York premier and did press, including an interview and performance on Colbert.
Oh, he wants to win an Oscar all right. He wouldn't have gotten so butt hurt when he wasn't even nominated, then acted so spiteful about campaigning during 12YAS. You don't react like that if you legit don't care. And he should care, an Oscar is one of the highest symbols of recognition in his chosen career, and everyone craves recognition. Anyone who doesn't is a liar or a sociopath, because recognition is a basic human desire. It's in Maslow's hierarchy of needs and everything!

As far as Frank... didn't he also bail on Sundance the year Frank premiered? If I remember, while they tried to play that off as "he got stuck on the set of Macbeth", what really happened was he had an urgent meeting with a Romanian in Italy, where he proceeded to hang out for a while, riding trains to Rome and chilling in hotels (knowledge courtesy of Madalina and Instagram!). And he couldn't even be bothered to actually talk on the phone when he was nominated for an Oscar, but did everything by text message. That's not really "doing everything", I don't think.

But I agree, he will for sure promote the hell out of Jobs. It's probably in his contract, so he'll have no choice!

Oh yeah, he was shooting Macbeth, another example of his busy schedule getting into the way of his new releases. But Frank he managed to promote in UK in early 2014 and then in August in US. He started shooting TAU after it and TLBO only in late September. This year he had problems cause Jobs took three months shooting, otherwise, I'm sure he would have attended Sundance and other premieres. He did almost attend Sundance, I remember journalists mentioning him but he couldn't make it.

By the time he signed for Jobs, he knew he would have to promote it like hell and he will, it's an Oscar-bait movie, he knew that since start. So yeah, he accepted this role because it was a pretty good one but also cause he wants to get more roles like that and an Oscar recognition or any other important award in showbiz would allow him to do that. Opportunities like this one don't appear all the time, it's his big shot :P

Totally agree with you. Of course he cares, I don't understand why some fans find this a bad thing or a lit because he said he doesn't care. His actions show the opposite: first he campaigned for Shame, was snubbed and then ignored everything in 2014 because he was angry about not being nominated. How many amazing actors campaigned like hell to win the Oscar so they could have major roles in Hollywood? Redmayne, Marion...nothing bad with that.