Marc Jacobs Mini Bonanza At The Saks Outlet!

Here's another picture of the True Red Luca, shows the actual color a lot better!


There were also some small white/off white pouch bags with a cute handle. There was also a Red box looking bag.
Sooooo, all these beauties and I came away empty handed. :Push: I was really hoping for a brown Adina, or Luca and I guess it just wasn't meant to be. I almost talked myself into the Red Luca, and it just wouldn't come out the door with me :wtf: . Where are you my darling MJ bag??

Thanks for letting me share my MJ adventure with you!!
^ thanks for the help naming Kira! And no worries about me not getting anything. Between the rain and my slight cold I think I was just in the wrong mood. I may just have to go visit True Red Luca again tommorow. (there were 4 of them!!)
luvpurses, I thought I was being smart by taking a picture of the bag while showing the tags. But it seems that my camera resolution didn't have the same idea. I can't read the tag!! Arrgg! So, now I'm really not too sure :shrugs:

I do know it was less than retail :roflmfao: (I might have just lost my merit badge).
t4p Kittybag. I was gonna drive ther tomorrow but thanks to you I don't have to :P

If you are looking for a brown Adina, Chuckies in NYC had some on sale recently. I'll check for you tomorrow.
oh thank god they put out more bags AFTER i left.. rid of temptation! I looked at the same red luca as you did! and that plum, but for me as well, it just wasnt meant to be.