Make up gurus Gossip/Chat

Sigma sent quite a few of them to Paris. And they gave quite a few of those palettes away to youtube gurus. I don't care if you promote, hey everyone's got to make money some how, just don't over do it.

Speaking of over doing it...Mac sends their every month new collections to so many 'gurus'. Now that's overkill.

Why does youtube always put already watched old videos back on my list after I remove them? So annoying youtube. No I don't want to watch the Halloween tutorial from a month again right now.
In the video where Tiffany "explains" her relationship with MAC, she seemed pretty honest when she was going over the products. She didn't exactly seem that thrilled with them in my opinion. I'm not sure if that is how she normally is in her videos (I have only seen a couple of them) or if she just made it look that way for show - as in she wanted to make a point to "prove" that she doesn't promote products that she doesn't really like.
You know, everyone has to make a living and to eat. I don't believe most of these stars really use L'Oreal or Garnier (and if they do, it's in addition to things the masses generally can't afford - diamond facials, top-of-the-line fillers, IPL, etc.) so I don't see why it's okay for a star to tell a white lie or embellish, but not okay for a Beauty Guru too :shrugs:

At the same token, I did feel like TiffanyD's video (and I don't really enjoy her, nothing personal - she just doesn't appeal to me) danced around it, but didn't really answer or respond to any of the real questions/controversy, from what I can tell as a casual observer.
I think one of the reasons people turn to blogs and vlogs rather than magazines etc is because there is/WAS a level of honesty. If you see a vlogger looking pretty - and she tells you what she uses - that is usually more accurate than hearing what a celeb wore (as the answer may depend on celeb endorsements/make-up artist endorsements rather than what the celeb actually used).

If beauty gurus are telling white lies too - then we are losing the "real opinion/real voice" that we turned to them for in the first place.

In regards to TiffanyD - I DON'T consider her to be a beauty guru that has sold out...she reviews a lot of products - and a lot of her recommendations are spot on (Origins Vitazing, Tarte blushes) - so I still like watching her. There are some beauty gurus that I stopped watching because everything they mentioned was sponsored - and I didn't trust their opinions any longer.
Really? Hm. I think it's reasonable to think some of her success is due to her boyfriend's sisters, no?

I don't like Pixiwoo nearly as much as I like Pixi2woo. Tanya seems to have a lot more personality in her videos versus Sam and Nic. If you're looking for straight tutorials without any hoopla, then I think pixiwoo is fine, but if you're looking for something a little more fun with some personality, Tanya is the way to go, imo!