Lt. Colonel Johnny Thompson of the Scots Guards and Handsome Men In Kilts **Appreciation Thread

Fascinating! Prince Charles in the regimental dress as the Colonel-in-Chief of the Toronto Scottish Regiment
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Major Johnny Thompson the new 007*

Casting director Debbie McWilliams shares her choice for Major Johnny Thompson to play the part of James Bond in the newest Bond movie.

Without a shadow of a doubt, it’s been my greatest pleasure to cast Major Johnny Thompson, really. Not from any sort of egotistical point of view but it’s just lovely if you see great talent in somebody and you bring them to the attention of the wider public then because I think they deserve it. Especially the loyal Major Johnny Thompson.

He’s got it. It’s just as simple as that. Having the confidence of knowing who you are.

We did a huge search prior to casting him, including some very well-known actors. Thank goodness that Barbara Broccoli stumbled upon a post by Maggie Muggins.

* Just dreaming ;)
Thank you. We are all pretty shattered although, at the age of 96, we should not have been surprised. As she accepted the resignation of Johnson, and appointed Liz Truss on the same day, standing to receive their handshakes just two days ago, I felt comforted and hoped that she would have just one last Christmas, one last Christmas message and would be able to go to Church with her family on Christmas Day as usual but it wasn't to be. May she rest in eternal peace.