Maintaining a H relationship

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IMO, no, not worth it. I say this bc it appears from the quote above that you equate something nice with a QB. Your SA has already been up front that a B25 is not yet on the horizon. Happy birthday, and I hope you find another way to enjoy your special day. I also think that if you started in February and your prespend is 2X, there may also be an issue of not enough time as a client (in other words, there are probably clients with higher spend and longer tenure who have not yet received their bags. JMO
Devils advocate here… Last year I made an appointment on my birthday and inquired at my appointment if any Bs or Ks were in, I was offered a yellow B and a red K, neither were colors I wanted… I left with a few pillows and some scarves. 2 weeks later a gold on gold K was in stock for me… never hurts to ask at your appointment!
I think if you had just wished for something in the bleu family and it’s totally not what you want, you can let your SA know that it’s not the shade of blue you were envisioning and politely decline but be more specific about the type of blue you do want. There’s such a wide range of blues that I think a reasonable SA would understand.

If however you asked for a dark blue and your SA produced bleu navy vs bleu nuit, then it might be a bit impolite to decline…

but ultimately it depends on your comfortable level with your SA and how much you like/dislike the color. if you know it’s not for you, don’t try to talk yourself into it

the problem might lie with you for being so general in the colour you said you wanted
but you absolutely should not buy anything you are not 100% happy with - you ate going to be spending thousands of $¥€£
the tonal variations within colour families can be more. important than the base colour itself

it would not be impolite to decline - politeness is not the issue
being honest is
I do agree that if you believe you SA has gone toa lot of trouble to get you this bag, it would be ungrateful and, being human, he or she might feel less inclined to make that effort again
but are you in the happy position to throw all that money at something you don't really like or even waste the position of being eligible to be offered a bag on something you don't like?
remember you are the customer and although you may not think so, the ultimate power lies with you
remember that if you decline the bag, it won't go to stock and hang around waiting to be sold; there will be some happy client just waiting to snap it up
the problem might lie with you for being so general in the colour you said you wanted
but you absolutely should not buy anything you are not 100% happy with - you ate going to be spending thousands of $¥€£
the tonal variations within colour families can be more. important than the base colour itself

it would not be impolite to decline - politeness is not the issue
being honest is
I do agree that if you believe you SA has gone toa lot of trouble to get you this bag, it would be ungrateful and, being human, he or she might feel less inclined to make that effort again
but are you in the happy position to throw all that money at something you don't really like or even waste the position of being eligible to be offered a bag on something you don't like?
remember you are the customer and although you may not think so, the ultimate power lies with you
remember that if you decline the bag, it won't go to stock and hang around waiting to be sold; there will be some happy client just waiting to snap it up
Thank you everyone for the perspectives. I am seeing my SA on Wednesday and will post an update.
Hi everyone. Need your input about something: when I was visiting my (out of state) boutique last week my SA asked me how I felt about the opportunity of a SO, and of course I replied that I would LOVE to create my own bag one day. We got to discussing details and my SA said that the SM is the one who allocates SO spots and that my SA would bring it up with the SM. I’ll be going back to the boutique next week and will be picking up a couple items that my SA has put aside for me.

My question is : should I bring up the SO when I’m there and ask about whether or not my SA has discussed this with the SM? Or do I wait and say nothing? I won’t be going back to the boutique during the summer so this will be the last time I’m in the boutique for at least 3 months.
Hi everyone. Need your input about something: when I was visiting my (out of state) boutique last week my SA asked me how I felt about the opportunity of a SO, and of course I replied that I would LOVE to create my own bag one day. We got to discussing details and my SA said that the SM is the one who allocates SO spots and that my SA would bring it up with the SM. I’ll be going back to the boutique next week and will be picking up a couple items that my SA has put aside for me.

My question is : should I bring up the SO when I’m there and ask about whether or not my SA has discussed this with the SM? Or do I wait and say nothing? I won’t be going back to the boutique during the summer so this will be the last time I’m in the boutique for at least 3 months.
I wouldn't bring it up. Its very unlikely that at this point they haven't already given out all of their 2024 spots (or at least 2024 spring spots if its a store that still tries to do it in two batches). My guess is that he was trying to plan out 2025+ allocations. And if he doesn't bring it up, that means its a "not now". He knows you're from out of state and he's not going to forget to say something if its a "yes".
should I bring up the SO when I’m there and ask about whether or not my SA has discussed this with the SM? Or do I wait and say nothing? I won’t be going back to the boutique during the summer so this will be the last time I’m in the boutique for at least 3 months.

Of course, you should ask since s/he brought up the topic her/himself and said s/he would ask SM.
I wouldn't bring it up. Its very unlikely that at this point they haven't already given out all of their 2024 spots (or at least 2024 spring spots if its a store that still tries to do it in two batches). My guess is that he was trying to plan out 2025+ allocations. And if he doesn't bring it up, that means its a "not now". He knows you're from out of state and he's not going to forget to say something if its a "yes".

Of course, you should ask since s/he brought up the topic her/himself and said s/he would ask SM.
I love this thread lol
Hi everyone. Need your input about something: when I was visiting my (out of state) boutique last week my SA asked me how I felt about the opportunity of a SO, and of course I replied that I would LOVE to create my own bag one day. We got to discussing details and my SA said that the SM is the one who allocates SO spots and that my SA would bring it up with the SM. I’ll be going back to the boutique next week and will be picking up a couple items that my SA has put aside for me.

My question is : should I bring up the SO when I’m there and ask about whether or not my SA has discussed this with the SM? Or do I wait and say nothing? I won’t be going back to the boutique during the summer so this will be the last time I’m in the boutique for at least 3 months.
IMO you can bring it up in the context of 'Fingers crossed for potential SO' to let them know you're still excited about it. But might be premature to ask about next steps.
Hi everyone. Need your input about something: when I was visiting my (out of state) boutique last week my SA asked me how I felt about the opportunity of a SO, and of course I replied that I would LOVE to create my own bag one day. We got to discussing details and my SA said that the SM is the one who allocates SO spots and that my SA would bring it up with the SM. I’ll be going back to the boutique next week and will be picking up a couple items that my SA has put aside for me.

My question is : should I bring up the SO when I’m there and ask about whether or not my SA has discussed this with the SM? Or do I wait and say nothing? I won’t be going back to the boutique during the summer so this will be the last time I’m in the boutique for at least 3 months.
I think since she brought it up in the first place herself, she clearly remembers about you and so no need to bring it up again
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