Scarves Love it then leave it ,how do you curate your scarf collection?

I think it just takes time to figure out what works both design and color-wise and to accommodate shifts in personal style and preference. It's not only a slippery slope, but a long one as well, IMO.

I'm a wearer and not a collector (except when I get obsessed with something :biggrin:); and I've found after considerable trial, error, and broken purchasing rules, that if a design/cw/style works for me, there's no reason to arbitrarily limit myself to just one. But it's gotta be better than what's already in my closet. I don't work on a strict one-in-one-out rule but I have committed myself to periodic reviews and editing.

I've also found that designs and cws seem to go in cycles, and that there are some that are always featured, much to the dismay of many a scarfie (Brides de Gala anyone? :lol: Blue scarves?). The key is to be patient, and wait for the one that really suits. "Oooo shiny things" has always lead me to a rather large pile because so many are soooo good. But I've decided that a well-edited pile of things I actually wear (along with a few that are just too beautiful to my eye to release them) better suits my personal goal to simply have less 'stuff'. And I'm willing to be patient. I should also add that nearly $500 USD for a 90 cm silk twill is not insignificant; I can't justify 'meh' at that price point. YMMV of course.
I agree about the price point on 90s now. Very sobering and very helpful in enforcing restraint!
I am probably a wearer and a bit of a collector and prefer buying when I still have a choice of design and color ways in the boutique. Come to think, some of the scarves I sold were compromises from the beginning where I bought them with limited color choices further into the season. I definitely made some selling mistakes (La femme à semelles) and have gotten caught up in the occasional scarf frenzy :smile:
Some scarves get less wear but I still enjoy them. I couldn't cull based on wear and have emotional ties to most of my scarves.
I am probably a wearer and a bit of a collector and prefer buying when I still have a choice of design and color ways in the boutique. Come to think, some of the scarves I sold were compromises from the beginning where I bought them with limited color choices further into the season. I definitely made some selling mistakes (La femme à semelles) and have gotten caught up in the occasional scarf frenzy :smile:
Some scarves get less wear but I still enjoy them. I couldn't cull based on wear and have emotional ties to most of my scarves.

I may be a card carrying member of the Scarf Frenzy club also occasionally... :rofl;
I've stayed up much too late binge reading this week and really find the concept of curating my collection fascinating. I'm not ready to part with anything yet although I have around 50 silks in different formats. The few scarves I would emotionally part with (like but not love) are my most worn according to my tracking wears. Perhaps because I wouldn't pass out if something happened to one? And the reason I selected a certain item is all over the place - Dallet, cats, cw strikes me - yes please! Thank you to all that have contributed comments I'm now looking at my collection in a new, fun, light!

Re-reading this 50 sounds crazy but I comfort myself with the fact that some have even more!
I've stayed up much too late binge reading this week and really find the concept of curating my collection fascinating. I'm not ready to part with anything yet although I have around 50 silks in different formats. The few scarves I would emotionally part with (like but not love) are my most worn according to my tracking wears. Perhaps because I wouldn't pass out if something happened to one? And the reason I selected a certain item is all over the place - Dallet, cats, cw strikes me - yes please! Thank you to all that have contributed comments I'm now looking at my collection in a new, fun, light!

Re-reading this 50 sounds crazy but I comfort myself with the fact that some have even more!

Indeed...some do have more... :panic:

But I agree with you, I have some scarves that aren't exactly my favorite design ever (in the like but not love sense). Yet I would never get rid of them either and wear them a lot...such a conundrum!
I love no brainier scarves that work however tied with most clothes . I reckon I’m through with those oh-so- heavenly scarves that make me gasp with their sheer beauty , I don’t like that they take up so much space ; goodbye Turandots, goodbye mosaic scarves , they will thrill someone else .
I realised that I’d become a collector , not only scarves but other beautiful things that started to feel like baggage.

I’m sticking to a handful of beautiful to me designs that are also no brainiers, maids of all work.

My next big buy is going to be a new piano.
My scarf needs have changed over the years. In the late 90's/2000-2010 when I first starting buying, I got very involved with the original Hermes Scarf group on Yahoo and got my H education. A 90 was under $300, I would occasionally get to the big sale in NYC, resellers were fewer but very reputable as were eBay sellers, I was intimidated by the boutiques and not loyal to one as I travelled for work so would hit many but I amassed a fairly large collection. About 12 years ago I did a big purge and sold many scarves and bags H and other brands via Heritage Auction and on eBay. I went through a minimal stage. I get some of my favorite scarves though. The H bug hit me again a few years ago and of course regret and sticker shock set in but I have slowly restocked. My local store went through Manager and SA changes and that was an issue. I thought I had found a good SA who learned my history and assured me I could get an H or B bag "soon when we get one" but after buying a GP and HerBag, many scarves and accessories, I realized she was blowing smoke. Then the pandemic hit and I started buying scarves, lipsticks, watch bands, small items online which honestly I prefer. I did speak to the new manager and explained my frustration and went to meet her to buy an Evelyn and she introduced me to a new SA who was very gracious at the time but totally unresponsive by email. Going to the boutique during the pandemic was difficult and even when I had an appointment I was grilled by the doorman and gave up. So in the 2 & 1.2 years I have bought 98% of my scarves online. I was actually at local store recently to see if they had some specific cw's of specific winter scarves and I did get lucky with one as I had not bought anything this season. I am approaching retirement and know that my H buying days will be stopping soon except maybe for an occasional treat. I did replace my Kelly from Fashionphile so I have all the bag I want and will probably sell my GP and HB. I buy scarves that I love but only in CW's that work for me. I have very few silk multiples but I have some designs that are 90 and large cashmere. I really need to inventory my scarves and have a plan to organize them better (good thread about storage on here as well) in some type of clear pull drawer manner because all my silks are in the orange boxes so I wear very few of them. I do keep my cashmeres in ziplock bags and it is way easier to pick one and I tend to wear these more than my silks. There are some scarves that I missed that I want that I keep my eye out for but it's hard to pay reseller prices these days. Knowing that my big accumulation days are likely behind me, I will probably hold on to what I have unless when I come up with a better storage system for my silks, I find a few to part with. I went through my cashmeres recently and did find a few multiples that were accidental purchases of older scarves that I had forgotten I had bought but thankfully in different CW's! Sorry if TMI! Happy Sunday!
My scarf needs have changed over the years. In the late 90's/2000-2010 when I first starting buying, I got very involved with the original Hermes Scarf group on Yahoo and got my H education. A 90 was under $300, I would occasionally get to the big sale in NYC, resellers were fewer but very reputable as were eBay sellers, I was intimidated by the boutiques and not loyal to one as I travelled for work so would hit many but I amassed a fairly large collection. About 12 years ago I did a big purge and sold many scarves and bags H and other brands via Heritage Auction and on eBay. I went through a minimal stage. I get some of my favorite scarves though. The H bug hit me again a few years ago and of course regret and sticker shock set in but I have slowly restocked. My local store went through Manager and SA changes and that was an issue. I thought I had found a good SA who learned my history and assured me I could get an H or B bag "soon when we get one" but after buying a GP and HerBag, many scarves and accessories, I realized she was blowing smoke. Then the pandemic hit and I started buying scarves, lipsticks, watch bands, small items online which honestly I prefer. I did speak to the new manager and explained my frustration and went to meet her to buy an Evelyn and she introduced me to a new SA who was very gracious at the time but totally unresponsive by email. Going to the boutique during the pandemic was difficult and even when I had an appointment I was grilled by the doorman and gave up. So in the 2 & 1.2 years I have bought 98% of my scarves online. I was actually at local store recently to see if they had some specific cw's of specific winter scarves and I did get lucky with one as I had not bought anything this season. I am approaching retirement and know that my H buying days will be stopping soon except maybe for an occasional treat. I did replace my Kelly from Fashionphile so I have all the bag I want and will probably sell my GP and HB. I buy scarves that I love but only in CW's that work for me. I have very few silk multiples but I have some designs that are 90 and large cashmere. I really need to inventory my scarves and have a plan to organize them better (good thread about storage on here as well) in some type of clear pull drawer manner because all my silks are in the orange boxes so I wear very few of them. I do keep my cashmeres in ziplock bags and it is way easier to pick one and I tend to wear these more than my silks. There are some scarves that I missed that I want that I keep my eye out for but it's hard to pay reseller prices these days. Knowing that my big accumulation days are likely behind me, I will probably hold on to what I have unless when I come up with a better storage system for my silks, I find a few to part with. I went through my cashmeres recently and did find a few multiples that were accidental purchases of older scarves that I had forgotten I had bought but thankfully in different CW's! Sorry if TMI! Happy Sunday!
Thank you for sharing, Balthus. Such an intersection journey and I can relate. I also relish my smaller H accessories in addition to my scarves. Would love another bag, probably one less prominent and pricey but it's hard with the shortage when one isn't sure what style would be best.
Since I originally posed the question more than four years ago I’ve rehomed only four scarves, with no regrets so far, but with er, more than that being purchased…!

I have been thinking some more about how I wear scarves and have noticed I tend to have the same few on heavy rotation at any one time, although the favoured scarves of the moment do vary slightly.

Don’t know how this awareness moves me forward in terms of culling my bourgeoning collection, it’s just my random thoughts… :biggrin:
Since I originally posed the question more than four years ago I’ve rehomed only four scarves, with no regrets so far, but with er, more than that being purchased…!

I have been thinking some more about how I wear scarves and have noticed I tend to have the same few on heavy rotation at any one time, although the favoured scarves of the moment do vary slightly.

Don’t know how this awareness moves me forward in terms of culling my bourgeoning collection, it’s just my random thoughts… :biggrin:
I’ve got a marinating pile, I let them rest for a bit to be sure I’m ready to move on and not just temporarily bored. I pulled one out just today :biggrin:
I’m feeling similar “letting go” pangs for my silks now that my lifestyle has completely transitioned to less meetings on person and work from home. I treasure many of the silk designs though and gave pretty much refrained from new purchases unless a gift from DH for a bd or anniversary. My wonderful SA left for another boutique and the new SAs don’t know much about H scarves these days. I will likely cull a few this year but also don’t want to let some of these beautiful designs go when I see the recent and new season designs don’t nearly match the quality or caliber of the ore pandemic eras. Does that make sense? I can relish shopping my tansu these days lol. I especially love some of the designs that don’t look like they will ever be reissued, including Tohu Bohu and my two Turandots:smile:
I’m feeling similar “letting go” pangs for my silks now that my lifestyle has completely transitioned to less meetings on person and work from home. I treasure many of the silk designs though and gave pretty much refrained from new purchases unless a gift from DH for a bd or anniversary. My wonderful SA left for another boutique and the new SAs don’t know much about H scarves these days. I will likely cull a few this year but also don’t want to let some of these beautiful designs go when I see the recent and new season designs don’t nearly match the quality or caliber of the ore pandemic eras. Does that make sense? I can relish shopping my tansu these days lol. I especially love some of the designs that don’t look like they will ever be reissued, including Tohu Bohu and my two Turandots:smile:
I completely get this Lanit, and if I had Tohu bohu or turandot I’d keep them too!