learning to say NO!!!

be strong! you know when you just can't! and you are at your max! but fashion and Hermes too.....has planted this idea...and concept if you say no...you will never see it again!

you know what I mean! Its annoying!
In some ways, the things I've said no to have cost me dearly. I'm still haunted by a three folk art paintings I didn't buy (at three different times) and even many years later I can still describe each in the most minute detail. The result is that I seldom say no any more.

Regarding Hermes, I did find that a certain SA has stopped calling me to offer goodies because I said no once too often. Fortunately, it's not my primary SA.
When it comes to art .. I say don't say no .. think about it for a little while and if you still find yourself thinking about the piece .. buy it. I work in an art gallery and so many people have come in and, like you .. were able to describe in detail a piece that they had seen and didn't buy .. and now regreted it .. and in some cases are searching for one like it.

That of course doesn't really hold true with handbags though :P
That's the biggest challenge for me as well. I can't seem to say NO, but that's partly due to my trying to do damage-control after some ppl sabotaged my relationships with several boutiques from a year ago ... Gotta find a way to do it. I've said NO once this year, and damn that felt good, saved me quite a bit of money too.:yes:
Well I'm lucky (or unlucky) in the sense that aside from my recent acquisition, the bags that I want have to be SO-ed. But whenever my SA shows me something at the boutique, I can immediately say no because it's usually not something that I'm looking for nor "sings" to me. And luckily my SA totally understands and respects that.

However those last pair of shoes were a hard no. It actually transitioned from verbal "Oh let me think about it...& get back to you." to mental "Ok, let's just wait to see if they go on sale."