
too much "who are we to say if she wants to cut off her "whatever"-my point is that people do not even know the difference between right and wrong anymore. Someone wants to destroy their perfectly good labia-hey, what not, its her business! Like i said, its a free country and she can do whatever she wants but that doesn't make it right, normal or good in any way. Too many people get plastic surgery because they don't like something ridiculous, like a bump on their nose or their freaking bellybutton. I'm all for plastic surgery when there is actually something to fix but in most cases, people do have mental issues and instead of accepting themselves for what or who they are, they starting to cut things off thinking that it will make them feel better about themselves. How about the concept accepting and loving yourself the way you, flaws and all? All that has been forgotten in pursuit of "perfection"-that's my point

Well, I had Rhinoplasty to remove a bump on my nose -- bring out the white jackets and padded walls.

Who are we to judge the OP on her decision? What if OP or anyone having this surgery can't even wear a bathing suit because the "she-parts" fall out of the sides? What if that area is so enlarged that it looks like a bulge in the pants? Having the surgery for those reasons would be cosmetic, but it would be a stretch to say someone has mental issues because of it. There are several surgeries that fix deformities that aren't even questioned - yet because this is a surgery in a "private place", it's all of a sudden "ridiculous"? Unless you or anyone else who is passing judgment is a labia expert, how about we keep the negativity to ourselves? OP came for advice, and that's what she should get.

My advice to the OP? Do whatever makes you happy and comfortable!

I have spent a while read through all of the threads based on the original post. Some very valuable thoughts.

I myself went to see a consultant today about having a labiaplasty done and found the whole ordeal a very traumatic experience. I went for a number of reasons...

1) The unsightly bulge
2) Discomfort sitting in cetain positions, wearing nice underwear or tight fitting clothes, certain exercise
3) The devastating impact it has on my confidence, sex life, how i form relationships with others, the trust barrier.

This post is directed at any woman that isn't happy with being told the cliche "we all come in different shapes and sizes!" or "we are all beautiful". For any woman that feels that the size, shape, colour of her labia is crushing her confidence, that intimacy and trust are big issues when it comes to forming or holding down relationships. Forums like this are always a good sounding board but i would always say be true to yourself. Only you know how badly such an insignificant piece of tissue affects your life.

Personally, i am 28 and have struggled with this since early that is a good decade and a half of going out of my mind! Crying myself to sleep each night because i can't and wont let a lover touch me for the sheer feeling of repulsiveness. Some lovers have been cruel while others have just been happy to get sex...all the while going without the pleasure of foreplay as that would mean the unthinkable, them touching or seeing me! It's come to the point where i have written off having kids! The pain thing doesn't factor as an issue but its the being on display and the indiginity of something so natural.

Sadly there is no rationalising with someone that so morbidly unhappy with their appearance that they cry with shame and embarrassment when being seen by a specialist. Now i have to forego the clinical psychologist assessment and counselling sessions. I sincerely hope they don't think but shoving me in a room with a counsellor for 6-12 hours that suddenly i'm going to look down there and think "what was i thinking, it looks like a basket of kittens and not the car crash i once saw!".

At the end of the day all that matters is your perpetual image of yourself. It could take an entire lifetime of someone telling you "it" looks beautiful and you still wouldn't believe it. My advice is to do whatever it takes to make you happy, to make you feel like the star you the star you want to be!

Love to you all! Good luck and stick with the cause!

Lucy xxxxxx
I looked at some before and after pictures on a plastic surgeon's website and holy crap! I felt so bad for some of those women in the before pictures. I take back my original post in this thread completely! Some images really looked painful!

I agree Nat, I looked also & some of those pics were totally gross! I am not a fan of plastic surgery, would never do it but I can understand why the women in those before pics would! So to the OP if it is interfering with your enjoyment of life, then go for it & good luck!
Good luck OP! Wishing you the best.

If this is interfering with your life and happiness, just nip them! I don't have this issue, but even that, some underwear or tight clothing rides up and gives me a front wedge and that's extremely uncomfortable / painful. I can't image the same thing happening to ladies with this issue - it must be soooo much more uncomfortable.