Kendall and Kylie Jenner

Sources connected with Kylie and Travis tell TMZ, they both feel they haven't known each other long enough to tie the knot. As one very connected source puts it, "They're still trying to figure out their relationship."

They are not even discussing marriage, but they're talking a lot about raising their daughter.

We're told Kylie's the one who really wanted the baby. They met in April and she's 5 months along -- she got pregnant about a month after they hooked up. So the question ... was this planned? Everyone we've spoken with is ... mum.


Let's pray for that baby girl. :no:

I mean...things happen, heat of the moment, condoms break, people forget to take a pill, medication interacts with the pill, and a whole host of other reasons people get pregnant unexpectedly...are most kids really planned anyway? It's not like everyone waits until marriage to have sex or imposes some time limit rule before they could have sex; and, people shouldn't have to if they don't want to so long as they take care of any kids they decide to have. If someone happens to get pregnant early in their relationship and makes the choice to have the baby but doesn't feel they're ready for marriage then that might be the best route. It's better for 2 people to learn to be good co-parents than be in a miserable marriage for the sake of a child. While I know that statement was from a "source", so most likely made up or planted to make the situation seem better, it sounds so damn stupid, juvenile and irresponsible to make.

The only thing actually surprising about this whole thing is that she didn't have a baby with Tyga. She got turned out by a 20-something year old man when she was 16....started her head gassed by some of these goofy rappers who only seem to value her as "hot" aka smashable but not wifeable and she's too naive to know the difference. She was doomed from the start.
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And she’s as dull as Kendall.
when she first came up, I thought yay much better than seeing Gigi and Bella everywhere. but now Kaia is everywhere and I just can't stand to see her anymore. I can't wait until this fashion week is over. more kendall, less Kaia. way more really models, please.