juicy, JUICY

I wear them together. I don't care what people think-- the velour is TDF. Soooo comfy and not sloppy looking.

I have a juicy suit in frenzy velour that all my girls constantly tease me about. Frenzy btw is a BRIGHT smurfy teal color. Yes, bright teal. And yes, I wear the jacket with the pants.

But, I get hit on more when I wear that outfit than any of my "sexy" clothes.

Its a win-win situation. It is a modest comfy outfit and guys love it.
i prefer mixing my juicy hoodies with jeans and juicy pants with another top...i would definitely not mix fabrics. i don't really like the way a one-color juicy tracksuit looks though, but i have nothing against anyone who wears one! they ARE comfy! i prefer to mix colors like a white hoodie with black pants.
I don't like them together, to be honest! I know they're meant to be paired, but I never buy the pants. Just because I don't wear sweat pants all that much...I live in denim minis and jeans. So I just pair the tops with a nice pair of jeans or a skirt. JMO...

I feel the same about the VS Pink sweats too. I know they have coordinating tops and bottoms but I just think they look wierd together... :s
Whenever I buy sweats I try to buy them in a set so even if I don't wear the two together (I find that I'm not doing that so much these days) at least I have the option of doing so. Sometimes on really lazy days when I don't want to think about matching, a sweatsuit comes in very handy for me!
I think wearing the matching suit is ok. It's comfortable and I think would work well to run errands and such. Paired with some shades, hair up, purse on arm, Works imo. As long as it's not bright color.