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sassy-I havent been to the juicy store since the new charms came out....someone on this thread works at juicy so hopefully they can help you out!

I saw some good pics of the doughnut on the bay, and the back says "sweet couture", looks so cute!
Hello fellow charm lovers! I've been lurking on TPF for a while and decided to register so I could talk Juicy with y'all. :smile:

My doughnut and frappe charms came in the mail yesterday. They are soooo adorable! I can't get over how light the frappe is... this morning I picked up the box and thought "Is this empty?" and then realized it was the frappe charm.
^^ Only 5 right now, with 2 on the way and a few more on my "must buy soon" list LOL. It's funny, I've been looking at the charms for years and only a month ago did I decide to buy my first one.
^^ Only 5 right now, with 2 on the way and a few more on my "must buy soon" list LOL. It's funny, I've been looking at the charms for years and only a month ago did I decide to buy my first one.

Welcome gaslight! Seven charms in one month...you're my kind of collector ~LoL~ I predict your "must buy soon" list will grow!!! :tup:
welcome gaslight, I too am new to JC Charm collecting, but it has now become an addiction!!!

Wow JC no longer has the frappe or the pizza box up... well atleast they have an additional 30% off sale items plus free shipping on orders over 150...
Gaslight Welcome!

Went to the Juicy Stores in Beverly Hills and Century City (Los Angeles) and they were doing 40% off all sales items. They still had the umbrella, the airplane, the gnome, planet juicy, Christmas stockings, flying pig, the keyboard, pave airplane, and the New Years Party hat. At CC the SA showed me the book of merchandise they have coming in soon. They showed me the picture of the fairy princess charm that we've seen show up on eBay but what looked really neat was an alarm clock charm. If I hadn't seen it myself I don't know if I'd believe it since sometimes the SA don't have a clue what's going on. This book also showed the wholesale and retail prices...more than a 50% markup but I guess we shouldn't be surprised.
Well I am brand new to Juicy charms. Just bought my first one, a large purple gemstone, and now that I have the bug, I am making a list of all the ones I simply must have. That box of chocolates is high on my list. Nice looking at all your collections. Are there any discount codes in effect right now? I saw the free shipping over 150, but can someone tell me about the 30% off mentioned on the website?
cocolo---Welcome!the 30% off is on sale price items....

OMG queen cammy!!!! I am so jealous that you got to see that book!!! Which fairy princess charm are you speaking of? The one that looks like tinkerbelle? Hearing about new charms is so exciting!!!

Just won the cowgirl hat with tiara on *bay!!!:yahoo: Love it! I am from the southwest so its perfect!
I picked up the French Macaroon today at the Juicy store. I'll try to take a picture tomorrow during the daytime. It's an adorable charm. The SA told me it came out with the Valentine charms so I don't know if it's exclusive to the JC store or not since I haven't seen it anywhere else and the SA had no clue if it was. Something to think about if you want this charm.
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