Job hunting woes.


Oct 23, 2005
I've been searching for a job for a couple of months now. I've put in countless applications, sent what seems like 123894 resumes, yet I've only been on one in-person interview and one phone interview. The last time I was job hunting, I had four different offers (!) This time, not so much. I have more experience, a good portfolio, etc. I would like to have more responsibility, advance my career and increase my salary. There is no opportunity for advancement at work.

There are jobs here - but employers don't seem interested in hiring me, not even bringing me in for an interview. I'm cute! :P

Anyone else in the same boat? Advice? Suggestions? I'm not completely unhappy at my current job. But I feel like I'm ready to move forward. Should I take this as a sign that I shouldn't?

So confused! :rolleyes:
Ahhh, my bf is in a similar place along with you. We just graduated, and its so very hard to find a job with a degree but no experience. We share your pain. Just keep your head up! You will find something :smile: Best of luck!
Thanks, ladies :heart: I appreciate the support!

dustypaws - I was in the same situation when I graduated college. LOL I remember getting so frustrated over the fact that I had a degree, but no experience, and "entry level" positions required experience. Talk about oxymoron :rolleyes: Now I have the experience, and no one wants to hire me. If it's not one thing, it's another!
Have you had anyone take a look at your resume? Perhaps your current experience could be written better so that potential employers show more interest in you.
Just keep trying! You'll get an interview soon. It took my boyfriend seven months to get a job after he graduated college. It was worth the wait! Best of luck to you.
Have you had anyone take a look at your resume? Perhaps your current experience could be written better so that potential employers show more interest in you.

When I decided to start job hunting again, cleaned it up and added my current position and responsibilities. I had my mom, who is an English teacher, look at it along with my cover letter. Still, I wonder if it would be better if someone who is not a family member were to look at it.

Thanks, wordbox :smile:
I would consider a fresh look at your resume (friend, etc) and perhaps using a headhunter to kick things up a notch. Take it from someone who was kicked to the curb in late June this year for 3 months. If you are serious about leaving your current job then the right next step IS out there for you.
We're entering the holiday seasons now so not many companies and firms are hiring. The hiring season is usually starting in Feb. I'm in the same dilemma as you. It's tough to find a job nowadays but just keep trying!!
I don't know your current line of work, but your line of work may have something to do with your difficulty in finding a job i.e demand for it. However, I agree w/ the other posters, maybe you're just not showcasing what your strengths are in your resume. Try revamping your resume and have a professional look at it.

My cousin was not getting hired after she graduated. I, being in the same line of work as she would be, took a look at her resume and I completely re-did it, from top to bottom. Within 3 interviews, she got hired. Mind you, her siblings, who do not know anything about her line of work, looked at her resume and okayed it.

FYI, I have never seen a resume w/ cover page/letter. People in the HR usually would want to pick up a resume and quickly read it.....flipping the cover page/letter might be a turn-off for them and they're probably not reading it at all. A resume should say everything about you, but in a very concise manner, enough to intrigue them and ask you for an interview.
My friend is amazing at getting jobs - she says the best thing to do is to be aggressive and follow up after you send your resume. Don't just call HR - find out who the person/supervisor is in charge of hiring for that position and get in contact with them somehow. If they can put a voice to the resume/name, it increases your chances so much more. There's nothing wrong with being aggressive while looking for a job. Getting a "no" is much better than someone not even bothering to look at your resume.

Good luck, we're rooting for you!
I hope you get offers soon Christina! I had the same issue a couple years back, when I got this job they said my cv "lacked personality" but they invited me to an interview anyway and fell in love with my personality. Maybe there´s something there?
Thanks, everyone :heart: I'm in public relations (non-agency, no way in hell I'd work at an agency). The frequency of job postings has slowed down a bit in the last couple of weeks, I'm sure it's due to the holiday season like you said, Irissy (haven't seen you in a while, BTW!).

Balihali - Funny you say that, the thought crossed my mind this morning. I have never used a headhunter before, maybe I should research this.

FYI, I have never seen a resume w/ cover page/letter. People in the HR usually would want to pick up a resume and quickly read it.....flipping the cover page/letter might be a turn-off for them and they're probably not reading it at all. A resume should say everything about you, but in a very concise manner, enough to intrigue them and ask you for an interview.

Really? It seems as if the majority of the jobs I apply to ask for both CV and resume. Those jobs who don't ask for a CV, I send them just the resume.

thithi - I actually did follow up with one of the positions I interviewed for last month. The person who interviewed me e-mailed me today and said that they were still reviewing candidates and test jobs (had to submit a designed advertisement) and that she would keep me posted. So maybe being aggressive does pay off. I think I will try this when possible.

Keep the suggestions coming, guys :nuts:
Network, network, network!!! One of the best and most effective channels into a company is via employee referrals.

Talk with friends, former colleagues (even current colleagues if you trust 'em enough to share your job search). Professional orgs - are you involved in PRSA or another professional organization? What about your university alumni network (most have listservs or Yahoo groups)? Are you on networking sites like LinkedIn?

Find people in your field and location and talk with them, either informally or an informational interview.

Best of luck and keep us posted!