It was all going so well...


Apr 16, 2011
I have been a bit quiet on here recently as have been trying to avoid temptation, with only some success :P However, my good intentions went out of the window when I went to House of Fraser at lunchtime and took a little detour into the Mulberry section... :graucho:

Anyone want to have a guess at what I got before I get home from work to take photos? Clue: it is a bag rather than accessory :biggrin:
JeniA is warm!

Elvis: I actually love the Willow now but am afraid my budget couldn't extend that far :sad:

Another clue - the price is going up by an obscene £200 in a few weeks...
That could be any of them!!!!, more clues

LOL, it could be couldn't it - ridiculous price rises :nogood::tdown:

Is it another medium Lily honey???

It is! I bought the deer brown and it is soooooo lush - the colour is just absolutely beautiful! :love: I tend to save my black one for nights out now so will use the deer brown for daytime, think it will look particularly lovely in summer :cool:
I don't normally buy new unless in a sale or on discount but couldn't resist in this case - with the £200 price rise in a matter of weeks I would be lucky to get it for this price in the sale! I also didn't want to risk missing out at saletime.
I don't normally buy new unless in a sale or on discount but couldn't resist in this case - with the £200 price rise in a matter of weeks I would be lucky to get it for this price in the sale! I also didn't want to risk missing out at saletime.

Congrats a wonderful choice! I absolutely love deer brown, it's such a classy neutral and will be perfect when the sun comes out! Is it really going up by £200 soon? That's absurd! Any other imminent price hoiks you can share with us?! xx