I don't know if I can say goodbye

Hello neighbor (I'm in Phoenix)! Oh how I know how you are feeling.`My kitty was only 6 1/2 when she became ill and I had to put her down. It was awful!! It is so heartbreaking. My sympathies to you!! Animals have such basic needs and when the basics of life are taken away I truly believe that is when they suffer. So if your poor baby can't walk and is in pain. My kitty stopped eating because of a liver condition. I was selfish though I tried to force feed her and eventually had a feeding tube inserted (drastic and unfair I know - I did what I thought was right at the time). My poor baby couldn't even enjoy her food - a basic of life. Now that I think back to it I - I made her suffer way too long. Oh man I feel the tears forming... It won't be easy for you but it will get better! I promise. Surround yourself with animal loving people and take care of yourself. You'll see your baby again. He'll always be with you! Take care!!

OMG, I did virtually the same thing with one of our dogs many years ago. Afterwards I realized I was afraid to let go and was selfish, keeping him alive for myself, and not for him. I felt that with our dog after him we handled it well--it still hurts so much--but she didn't suffer very long; we paid attention to what she "told" us.

It's so hard. I always cry for days and feel empty. Then the healing will start and I realize our pets had great homes with us and were well-cared for and loved to pieces.

Best wishes at this difficult time.:heart: