How much do you put up with HOT but UNCOMFORTABLE shoes?

great topic!!

i can't tolerate blisters. i got a pair of Kors Newtons a few months ago and I walked one city block and got hideous blisters on the backs of my heels. maybe they would soften with wear, but i dont see myself finding out any time soon (thankfully i bought them on sale).

on the other hand, i have a pair of 4.5" pradas that fit perfectly, and i can get about 3 hours out of them before my feet hurt. no broken skin, my feet just ache. it's not fun, but i can deal.
Have 2 prs of manolos that are unbearable but cute. 1 pair of knee boots and a pr of limited edition sandals. Wore each pr once. Love my Dolces, guccis, CL, pradas etc. Most of my manolos hurt like hell, most are unworn. Until I can't wear heels anymore, I'll keep buying, cuz they're so cute.