How many Inboxes are in your life?


Oh no she di-int!!
Jun 1, 2006
Emails, alerts, notifications flying everywhere - oh my!

I just counted and I have...7! Granted, some are busier than others, but WOW:

- Primary home email
- Hotmail (for online purchasing, not caring if it gets spammed, etc)
- Primary work email
- Work email with my current client (I have an email account with that company too, long story)
- Facebook
- LinkedIn
- tPF PMs

How about you? :graucho:
Great question!

We have...

-primary family email
-two kids who each have their own email
-DH's personal email
-my personal email
-our business email
-my Gmail for online shopping and getting coupons from businesses I frequent.

My Hot mail account - all bills and personal email go here
My Yahoo account - all junk mail goes here and shopiing emial go here
My other Yahoo account - this one is for my jewelry business
My work email - not much fun goes here just junk for work
My G-Mail one I am not sure what goes here maybe I should find out :Push:
I have 5
1- school email account
2- personal email @ gmail
3- online shopping @ yahoo
4- old personal email that is now full of spam
5- networking email
1,2 gmail accounts
3 aol account
4 hotmail account that I rarely ever check
5 bb email account
6 Asmallworld inbox
7 facebook inbox
8 tpf inbox

Total 8!
5! But 7 if you count my e-mail as 3

1- work
1- Gmail (but my college & old e-mail flood into that, so i will count that as 3)
1- Facebook
1- tpf
1- aol email that i never ever check