How Does Your DH, DF, or DBF Feel About Your CL's?!

My DH doesn't care if I buy CLs, as long as I don't pitch a fit when he buys guns (or a new truck). As a matter of fact, he loves it when I surprise him in my CLs and a short dress.

Hahaha mine too (except mine has a lusting over late 1960's Mustangs). He absolutely LOVES my shoes and never tries to deter me from my purchases. He does, though, appreciate that I try to exercise some restraint.
I never really thought about that perspective and now I can see the potential for all kinds of issues. And it's so true about when friends make comments about the price they are usually way off or much too close. I always catch myself mentally correcting them or thinking how to steer them in the other direction lol. But I always just keep my mouth firmly shut :lol: but it does make me guarded about even bringing up anything to do with cash flow he he.
It's great your gentleman caller has his own "hobby" and he's lucky to have you too :kiss: so hopefully he appreciated your fashion sense!!!

I do the same thing! I find myself wanting to complain about money when the subject gets brought up, but I cringe even thinking about what they are going to say about the price of my CLs. In fact, I never share my new purchases with friends because I don't want them to think I have tons of money ( CAUSE I MOST CERTAINLY DO NOT! ). I just choose to spend what little I have on what I love. You ladies are the only ones that get to share my joy! How sad :sad: But, I find that people think of you differently and expect that you can pay for more and sometimes try to take advantage of you. I don't talk fashion or anything with my friends, even my closest friends. It's a hobby they know I have, but it's not often discussed. I feel like it brings a stigma.

Luckily, I don't feel like I give off the "high maintenance" vibe when I wear them around. This could be my ignorance speaking, but I'm from Louisiana and IMO there aren't many people who know what they are. I actually got my first compliment from a middle aged man. I figured he must buy them for his wife. To them, they are just pretty shoes with pretty red soles :smile: This works for me. I wear them to make myself happy not anyone else. So, I prefer that I don't get judged without being known. There are far too many opportunities for that to happen without shoes being one of them.
He's patiently waiting for me to get over my current obsession with CLs. He thinks it'll pass soon.

haha That's exactly how my DBF feels. Poor poor delusional men.

When I bring up a new purchase every once in a while his response is always, "You're not over that shoe thing yet?" :whistle:

I just smile. :smile: and say you're not over that gym thing yet? He doesn't do video games or sports... for him it's Body Building/supplements/etc and it's a major OBSESSION<---which is very costly. I'm talking...there is no me time until there is gym time and our lives revolve around his meal schedule which is like clockwork. But, I don't tell him how to spend his money so he won't tell me how to spend mine. Granted, we are just dating...not living together etc. I just get the evil eye, which I choose to ignore. It's what I love. If you love someone, you should love what they love or at the very least choose to accept what they love. Provided that each other's loves/obsessions doesn't affect your mutual love for each other negatively.
The longer my husband and I are together, the luckier I feel - honestly. I've never met a more supportive individual and that goes for every part of my life, including shopping.

We moved in together and combined incomes soon after me met and though he was always the major breadwinner (he's older than I am and has a well established career; we met when I was in law school and my additions were pennies) he never made me feel like I couldn't do something because, in the end, he was the one paying for it. He knows I'm not an idiot and know our finances well -- I know what we can afford and he's never said no to me because he doesn't have to. I've never hidden my purchases nor lied about cost -- in fact, I tell him when I buy something and show him as soon as it arrives. Before him, I was as fiercely independent as any of the others who've spoken on that point -- I've always worked and paid for my own things but after living together for a while, I came to the realization that although I wasn't bringing in as much money as he was, I was pulling my own weight in other areas and we both firmly believe that we have an equal partnership regardless of whose name is on the paycheck...

As far as the original question: does he like my shoes (CLs and others)? I just asked and he said he could care less about the shoes -- he likes them because they make me happy and because I look great when we go out and that he's proud that I go home with him. (Awwww!) He's never chosen my shoes for me (nor would I be comfortable with that arrangement) but he does tell me when he likes something.

Also, Choco -- I have to disagree with your theory: DH's mom is not fly -- she's a wonderful woman but I don't think she's ever spent more than $50 on a pair of shoes or any other piece of clothing. My mother was a designer and I grew up around fashion so we come from very different backgrounds. However, he doesn't think I'm frivolous or spoiled or any of those other things and, again, is supportive of the things I choose to spend our discretional income on. Also, as he's not a shopper, I've completed revamped his wardrobe and now he's proud of the way he looks. I remember the first time he put on a Prada suit -- the jacket alone was $1k but he turned to the mirror and said, "I look like James Bond." Needless to say, we brought it home. A well-fitted wardrobe is key regardless of the price tag. He also makes sure to tell me when women hit on him (he plays it off but I know he secretly enjoys the attention :lol:).

This got long but I just want to end by saying that if you're with someone who makes you feel guilty about making a purchase you worked for, I think you may want to wonder what he will be making you feel guilty about in the future and rethink a few things...

geeeeee.... does he have a brother, perhaps? ;) ...I'm only a two hour drive awayyyyyy
:girlsigh: he's pretty damn perfect but, alas, an only child! I lucked out, no doubt about it :biggrin:

...this is going to come off as completely shallow but I've always loved tall men and when I first met him, I was like, "score!" No matter how tall my heels, he'll always be taller. LOVE IT! :P

awe, damn. But, I'm the same with tall men and it seems in this blasted state there aren't many!! In my Daf's I'm 6'2'' :wtf:... I'll always be the tallest in the room. Slightly depressing.
The bolded words describe my relationship to a T. When my husband met me, I loved shoes and bought them ceaselessly, now that he's married to me, I still love shoes, and I still buy them ceaselessly. My thing is shoes, I buy them, he admires them on me, the end.

On the rare occasions he comes with me, he'll get involved, give his opinion, but he won't get offended if I disregard it because I may have a different vision for the shoe than he does. I have no budget (I'm my own worst limit so he knows I won't go overboard, and if I did, he'd know they were shoes worth seeing, wearing, owning, and then some :P) and he is happy as can be when I'm in CL and he sees jaws drop - his included.

In our wedding vows, we promised to never try to change the other person into whom we thought they should be, in our relationship this goes for both the minor and the major. Shoes fall into a change category for me, asking me to give them up (expensive or not) is asking me to change who I am, because this is something that makes me happy, and yes, it's just a thing, but as human beings we find things that make us happy and invest time and money in them. So I get to buy all the pretty shoes, and my darling husband gets to say "Wow babe!" over and over. :lol:

THIS IS SO TRUE. That's what my mother told the DBF when he complained once about them. It's who I am and what I love. I can't change who I am...CLs/Chanel/LV and me...we're a package deal. I don't try to change his workout habits. I embrace them and do it with him. I talk about it and support his love/interest. Do the same for me. That's one that that helps make a successful relationship.
haha. my dh looks at me the same and says "i don't wanna know" and looks at me like ---> :oh::huh:

sometimes he just says he doesn't want to know too much about girl stuff. like when i ask him opinions about hair or stuff bc then we'll be out in public and he'll notice stuff that might not be quite right on a woman, and he's like "wait why do i know what?" i think it's :roflmfao:

but the same thing with liking how you look in public. once i was getting dressed...and honestly that day i was wearing a thrifted skirt, some steve madden clogs or something and he was like "you know you shop a lot which i hate but damn you look good." i just ;) and whispered "then stop bytchin":roflmfao: he just laughed and walked away. we have that kinda relationship where we tell each other everything.

HAHAHAH this happened to me this weekend. DBF was out with his friend for his birthday and I got a text that said, "It's pretty bad when I'm the weirdo that's checking out the bottoms of girl's shoes. You're making me have homosexual tendencies... fml." :roflmfao: I JUST LOVE IT!! CHECK EM ALL OUT, BABY!! I asked later... if he got any red sightings... and nope. I secretly think he loves the glimpses of red. He's like a bull, and comes running :P

Plus, for my bday... he bought me a brand new pair of Patent Pigalles 120mm. My HTH at that moment.That's love.

But, he did come into my room last night... I try to keep him out of there as much as possible and I had my CL boxes stacked. His eyes:wtf:... and said WHERE DID ALL OF THESE COME FROM!!? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN!? I just giggled, turned of the light and changed the subject. He brought it up again later and my response was... I bought them. Then it was dropped.
Wow. I didn't realize I just dominated this whole page. I was reading and responding in spurts while at work. Sorry ladies.

(guess I'm adding one more post to the domination)
Since I started buying CLs I've dated a few different men. One guy loved my shoes and said they were worth every penny when he saw the price tag on one of my boxes. When that happened I thought he was a keeper. We went out for a while and one night he told me that since I could afford expensive shoes than I could pick up the check at dinner. I paid and stopped dating him right away. Another guy I really liked had a massive collection of shoes himself. Over 100 Nikes in his spare bedroom on shelves he built himself. I was so excited! A man that's handy and loves shoes. He ended up being a self centered jerk. My current guy appreciates my shoes. He sees how happy they make me and that's all that counts
Since I started buying CLs I've dated a few different men. One guy loved my shoes and said they were worth every penny when he saw the price tag on one of my boxes. When that happened I thought he was a keeper. We went out for a while and one night he told me that since I could afford expensive shoes than I could pick up the check at dinner. I paid and stopped dating him right away. Another guy I really liked had a massive collection of shoes himself. Over 100 Nikes in his spare bedroom on shelves he built himself. I was so excited! A man that's handy and loves shoes. He ended up being a self centered jerk. My current guy appreciates my shoes. He sees how happy they make me and that's all that counts
