Help! Two violet bags?

i would keep the city RH as i'm not too fond of the PT in RH, but that's just me. on the other hand, a violet PT in GH would be lovely. :smile:
I always prefer the city over the PT, but like others suggested, a PT with GH is lovely. But why don't u decide after u receive the violet PT...then u can really compare them side by side...I don't think that if u decide to sell one later it would be too difficult to do.
hey odd,i'm fairly new to the this forum but remember you from fashiospot:smile: nice to "see" ya again!

hi eclectic ~ i remember you from tfs...nice to see you too! :smile:

i prefer the city as it's a practical size. i'm hopeful that mine will arrive this week. the parttime is slightly longish and a bit shorter compared to the city, but giant hardware balances the PT out.

good luck on what you decide! whichever you choose, violet is hot!
I think their too similar to keep both...even if one did have GH. I love the part time, but if you don't have another city and you like the one you have, you should keep it. Good luck!