Have you ever added up how much you've spent at Hermes so far... or regret..

I've really just been in this phase like a week ago! looking at how much I spent and been sooo obsessed with H everything! I talk about H all the time, and I got to a point where DH was telling me that I have a problem. I didn't realized it til I spent on a croc (which aspen knows, how much higher I paid), calling for croc and also more money spent on friend's birkins. I was also in agony looking at my wardrobe, clothes that costed up to a few k but never worn, designer bags that cost a couple k but doesn't appealed to me. Those really make me ache, seeing money piling up and I don't even use them. At the back of my head, I was thinking how much could I get them back for and transfer to H bags... and even I do so, I know I'll still be chasing after and after...

All I want to say is that, sometimes we all need time to look away and look at other things in life because this is my mistake. I was being too obsessive and I didn't use those time to enjoy my purchases instead. I feel that I have to share this since Hermes is all our addiction here, being able to learn the beauty and appreciate it is a great thing but to abuse it insn't which I hope I'm an example to alert you guys.

Now, this is real love and appreciation huh...

Aspen, btw what color is your croc, and what size? can't wait to see!!
I'm sure all your money is spent wisely and worthwhile since you take time to enjoy and cherish! Congratz!!
I have been avoiding this for a long time. I absolutely refuse to calculate how much I have spent on Hermes. I just keep telling myself that I spent less than most people and that generally makes me feel less guilty

Although realistically speaking, I can probably put in a down payment for a house in Orange County if I hadn't spent it all on Hermes ... Erk, I feel guilt kicking in already:Push:
aspenmartial said:
Have you guys ever added up how much you have been spending at Hermes, and realize that it is a HUGE amount and regret some what?
I added up how much I have been spending at Hermes within last about 10 months (about 10 months ago, my Hermes addiction started). I have been severely addicted to Hermes. It is indeed AMAZING amount. With that kind of money, I could of bought nice 2 bedroom condo or nice quality 4 carat Tiffany diamond ring!!!:yucky: :yucky: :yucky: Did I do something really terrible? May be you guys want to smack me... The sadest part is I still want more Hermes... I need to see psychologist or something. I am feeling very down after I saw the number on my calculator. Any thoughts, guys I am SO sad!:cry: :cry: But can I stop myself? I don't know!

Yeah, I've kinda been thinking about this, too...Sorry if you were looking for another type of response:sad:

I've never actually punched the numbers on a calculator, but if I mentally add the costs of my 3 Hermes bags, it comes out to a lot. I felt slightly better last week when I opened up a Roth IRA, but of course, knowing that I could've bought a new car (in CASH) with the $ from the bags, makes me think again. I can afford these things, and I do give generously to charity, but just knowing that other things would've been bought gives me just a tinge of guilt. To relieve myself of guilt some more, I sold a pair of shoes, Balenciaga bag, and stereo.:shame:

look at it this way. if you went out to a car dealership and drove out a new Mercedes (or Porsche or whatever car you choose), there is an automatic depreciation of 10-20% right away. over a period of 5 yrs, your car would have depreciated over 50%. this is true with most things in life.

but birkins and most kellys will retain their value 5 yrs from now and likely appreciate in value if well takened cared of. actually, if you took a birkin out of the H store, and sell it the following day, I'm certain you would get much more than what you paid for (but that is a no-no thing to do).

consider your H purchases an investment.
OMH Aspenmartial congratulations on your croc baby!
I can't wait to see pictures!

Granted you can buy a condo with that money, but do you need a condo? Would it make you feel beautiful and make you happy and girly everyday :heart:?
aspen, Hermes is an investment and tis always better to spend money on things that make you happy, that's what it's for right?

I've only bought scarves for myself but in 2000 I received a BJ 25 cm Birkin as a gift and didn't really appreciate Hermes then as I do now so I sold it to a consignment shop. I'm still kicking myself to this day.

I'm also still waiting for the perfect Birkin and will not buy anything from H until it comes. I want it brand new from H and I don't think I'll be called until early next year.
i have for all my H items & don't feel one ounce of regret. they're ALL worth it. plus i just made a rough estimate of how much the remainder of my (exotic) wishlist will cost as well. fine w/ that sum too.
So to calculate what I've spent in just this past month would probably push me way over the edge....no can do. But here's the thing and hopefully some of you guys know and understand this....

I used to accumulate because I just loved to shop....I redecorated my house I don't know how many times. I had shoes and bags and clothes I never wore. And then,slowly something changed....I began to appreciate quality over quantity. I started going through everything (and I mean everything) and either giving stuff away or selling it. When I was done, I didn't have much but I felt purged and kind of free. That's when I started buying only those things I LOVED and knew I would use (including my other obsession, 18th century jewelery if you can find it in good shape anywhere). So now, I don't have a lot but everything I have I love very much, wouldn't do without and use daily. In fact I'm selling the last of those things I saved from my first purge in order to help buy the new Kelly I'm mad about.

Anyway, my feeling is that you don't need tons of anything. You need only a few wonderful, can't live without pieces that you use every day in some way....and then the money is well spent. Guaranteed.

Don't forget....if we calculated how much money we pissed away (please excuse the crass expression but there's no other word for it really) on mindless, silly, spur-of-the-moment because we're depressed, I-really-don't-know-what-my-style-is-but-it-has-to-like ________(fill inthe blank here), badly made and pure garbage stuff...it would probably be much more than we've spent on our Hermes items.

And this I firmly believe after being around almost 5-0 years....
I agree with Shopmom, I've been doing the same: selling or giving away stuff I didn't use or like anymore, and concentrating on less but better things...What bugs me at the moment are a few non Hermès bags that I still have and can't decide whether to keep or sell ( amongst which a brand new LV NEVER used...) for having bought these things I would really kick myself...
Duna....I've got an LV mono Alma that's going, an LV Epi leather Agenda that's going and two of my beloved Chanel bags that are going in order to pay for part of one fantastic Hermes bag....So, I know what you're going through.....

i can relate....it's difficult but someone out there will love to own your items....and you will feel better about not having them and having that one H bag that you are totally in love with.

BTW, I can't tell you how many things I bought that I could kick myself for.....how about that Oh-you-have-to-have -this-really-artsy-dress-thing-that-you-can-only-wear-over-jeans-if -you-weigh-100#-soaking-wet thing. I think I paid well over $250.00 bucks for something that's hanging on my closet door waiting for that one day, some day that I'll wear! What a waste of money!!!! I don't know what I was thinking! So, see????? It's universal....
dear forst of all congrats to your croc. second NEVER REGRET - ENJOY
remember my thread they are investmenst but have a huge advantage bonds leak of you can use them and have fun with them ;)
now to your original question. yes i did and when i sold them they cought me a 3 bedroom condo a car and made my living for one year. and you know what? i am starting all over again and looking forward to carry my money to the big orange boutique