getting my first LV wallet tomorrow -- please help me decide!

I love my groom! But if you're really indecisive about choosing, consider what you would put in it. How many cc slots, pockets/compartments, size of wallet for your purse. I like wallets that don't "bend" the cash -- easier to get out.

I wouldn't have bought a wallet if it wasn't for the groom (love the red & LE). I'd say get the LE first (they won't be around forever), then get the French purse, too!:graucho:
thanks for all your input --

until i got to LV i was still undecided... love the classic look of the french purse but i also liked the way the groom looks different... and i love the red interior! anyway, the SA said the same thing, i can always get the french purse later, but the groom is LE... and besides my DH also preferred the groom, he said it looks different --- and so...

i got the groom pochette wallet! :yahoo: :yahoo:

again thanks for all your help!!!!!!!!!! :jammin: :jammin:
I have read somewhere in this forum, that groom will peel off because it was silk stamped or something like that? I'm not the expert please don't pin me on it...:shrugs:
I wanted the groom very bad, but it was going to peel off...than I rather say no to it..because I'm going to be mad at LV .....and i love no...I wouldn't go for the groom!
Is there more info about this? Because I still really love the groom line....:girlsigh:
I have read somewhere in this forum, that groom will peel off because it was silk stamped or something like that? I'm not the expert please don't pin me on it...:shrugs:
I wanted the groom very bad, but it was going to peel off...than I rather say no to it..because I'm going to be mad at LV .....and i love no...I wouldn't go for the groom!
Is there more info about this? Because I still really love the groom line....:girlsigh:

It doesn't peel. It's silkscreened on, like the cerises, panda and MC line. It rubs off or 'chips' with use. I havn't seen anything too bad though. Just a couple spots here and there..
the SA said i can get the wallet exchanged if the print peels off in 3months, or repaired for free if within 1yr... she said after that they may charge for repairs/touch up

but she also mentioned that so far they havent had any complaints about the print

yep its great when your DH okays a purchase... you dont feel as guilty :graucho:
ill share pix soon gotta work first :P