Game of Thrones S8 - The Final Season

IMO, it wasn't so much Tyrion (although he planted the idea) as it was Daenerys being completely unrepentant about the massacre of the civilian population of King's Landing and then to continue that she wanted to liberate the rest of the world and that they would have no choice.

She died fast though didn't she. One quick stab, while Arya got much worse by getting repeatedly stabbed and falling into the filthy water and still making it out alive. lol

I think Dany’s quick death was befitting. Arya is a tough girl inside and out. Dany was just an entitled girl with a famous last name and dragons. She’s as useless as Sansa in a battle.
This may be a bit of an unpopular opinion but I think the main problem was not so much running out of the book material. They bascily knew where GRRM was going to go. It's not even really that they are just terrible writers (although S8 says hello). They wrote things that weren't in the books before in earlier seasons and actually some of the changes and writing were actually still quite good. (Dorne plot exempted).
The problem was absolutely in their rigid timeline that they set for themselves. HBO would have given the extra episodes in each season to make it a full season, or even if they need a season or two beyond it. They started in S7 to rely on stupid plot devices and crazy teleporting to get everything how they wanted it set up instead of good storytelling. Come on the Wight hunt plot was just an excuse to give the NK a dragon to have him burn the wall. Otherwise it would have taken them another season to get them to be able to march around the wall at Eastwatch when the seas froze because of the magic in the wall.
S8 after 2 good basically set up episodes, they just barreled ahead with no sense. The long night turned into an inconvenient evening, little girl flies out of no where and the whole plot that was set up for years is boom over. WTF? Then Dany & team teleport to Dragonstone, lose a dragon because she "forgot" about Euron. (never mind they JUST discussed the Iron Fleet in the war council) Missandei mysteriously is the only one captured. Then not to mention Dany going full MAD! Queen in an episode. The finale was so full of holes if it was a ship it would be on the bottom of the sea. Least of which is why was Tyrion as a prisoner leading a discussion on choosing a ruler? Why did no one bring up that Jon is the legit heir? Why did everyone basically say **** you to Jon after everything he's done for them? Hey bud, we know you have done everything to save the people, even at great personal cost but please go **** off back to the North. Nevermind the Unsullied were leaving so who would have cared if they let him go after that? I needed 1 scene at Jon raging at these idiots. Sansa asking him if he forgave her should have gotten a **** no *****. What has she ever done? Oh big woop she asks her tree brother to let them be independent. I mean Dorne & The Iron Islands say hello??? No one questions this????

My head hurts. Make it make sense.
- where did the messages deliver to before Varys die?
- who is the faceless man
- why told Jon his true ID and then tell him to go F himself in the north
- Theon loves the Starks and his sister just like F the little brother, i love my queen
- Dany had a bad track record....but it's Missendi's death tip her over??? at least give me a scene that she loved her dearly......
yeah...full of holes......
I think they should have play a bit more on Dany's madness... at least 2-3 more episodes and then her death bc of her madness would be explained.... They could film something like... she destroyed Winterfel with Dorne, killed every northman for not bending their knees and perhaps made Sansa run or even worse, kill her as well... Kill the prince of Dorne and maybe force everyone from the iron islands to obey her... as she said in her last "great" speech with unsolicited, they'll destroy everyone who'd not with them. And if they'd film all that craziness I think killing her with Jon's arms would be way more justified. Also, I think lords of Westeros should have claim him as a kind (bc they "received" those letters from Varys) but he
d never be a king, instead after killing his love of life, after destroying his house, he'd go back to the North to live with wild ppl or stay on the wall... or at least not be a King in the North but to build it again (after Dany's attack)... that ending I'd accept but we got what we got and I'm pretty sure there's no matter if you sign a petition for season 8 re-filming or not, they'd never do it! never!
p.s. I did sign it lol
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it just came to me that what's the point to get unsullied and the dorthrakies....just fly with 3 dragons and burn down the whole KL and be done with it. the whole war on destroying KL didn't require any army's "help". she can be mad all by herself.
*Sits in my "I liked the finale and Sansa & Bran are fantastic characters" corner*
I also found Daenerys going insane to be a fitting ending for her character. Tyrion was absolutely right in his 'evil men die and we cheer her for it' speech.
Sansa is not useless in a battle, hello- Battle of the Bastards? The Knights of the Vale would not have ridden in if it weren't for her. So that claim makes little sense. Sansa has also led Winterfell during Season 7 in Jon's absense, she is not doing 'nothing.' But I guess because she broke a promise to Jon none of that matters, lol.
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