Figheri Club

I received my Figheri PM and have used it for a week. I am totally in LVoe with this bag! It's perfect! I will try and post pics tomorrow sorry not trying to tease just wanted to chime in! This is my third azur by the way and no color transfer here either.
Hi sassysarah! I need your opinion...How are your figheri straps? Does it hurt your shoulder? I got one before they took it out of the website. I love the print, but concerned about the rolled straps. Pls. Enlighten me if the strap will get softer. TIA:biggrin:
I just purchased the Figheri PM yesterday. I wanted to reveal a big difference between the PM and the GM.

If you look closely the GM has a piping right down the middle of the front of the bag on the outside pockets. This makes 2 individual pockets on the outside of the GM, whereas the PM has a single long pocket with a magnetic clasp inside.

I think the outside PM pockets will be much more user friendly. Just thought I would let you guys know in case you're considering this LVoe.